JakeButAwesome 27 Δεκ 2024, 11:57 
for the prone mod, it conflicts with cthirdperson, just wanted to let you know in case
Bread 19 Δεκ 2024, 11:24 
Just wondering, your WOS Prone mod, When you sprint with COD Sprinting animation, it bugs out alot, can you just make it so you cant press shift whilst proneing, because you cant sprint anyways
Papabear 5 Αυγ 2023, 15:49 
Hey dude any chance u want a s&box key? I'm trying to give them out to creators who might work on the game. Lmk if u want one
james murray squid games 10 Ιουν 2023, 22:07 
also wondering the same, would like the richland .vmf so i can see the map in hammer and maybe take inspiration from it in my own
Infomaniac 29 Μαρ 2023, 11:24 
I was wondering if you still have the vmf for richland? I was interested in turning it into a survival map for l4d2.
Lobotomy Gaming 5 Ιουλ 2022, 16:04 
Hey, on your addon Smart Weld I haven't been able to get that grid to pop up on the object you are welding. I haven't seen anything about it on Youtube or on the addon's page, and also my Lua errors have shown that none of my addons are tinkering with it. Do you know how to fix this?
Yashirmare 5 Μαϊ 2022, 17:48 
Ayo, just wondering if you still have the 12GB TTT map dump that Joseph uploaded years ago, vaguely remember you saying you had a copy at one point.
lucas_ 4 Φεβ 2022, 10:14 
hello, im the creator of shmovement. its a firstperson view script and it seems to conflict with prone mod. i was wondering if i could ask for help or guidance on how to solve the infliction.
thank you
Telavon 2 Φεβ 2022, 20:24 
the prone mod have an issue, in firstperson it's completely fine, but the thirdperson view, my playermodel is standing.
Avast AntiPony 9445 31 Ιαν 2022, 7:29 
Hey I'm curious if you still have the original vmf for richland. I heard a rumor that it was lost from a harddrive crash. So I was wondering if you happen to have it lying around.
Zaros 22 Ιαν 2022, 4:12 
Hey i have a question about the Prone mod can you accept my request
Масеевич 19 Ιαν 2022, 2:49 
when playing the gm_isles map, my gaze falls on something similar to the first person
⚜️shadow💎💎💎 16 Νοε 2021, 18:18 
Prone Mod question, posted on comments
Bobninou 8 Αυγ 2021, 18:22 
Its normal the prone mod dont working?
DateIDK 17 Απρ 2021, 20:03 
Hey, I wanted to tell you that I can prone very quickly, and I wanted to know if you can help me find the addon that causes this error
balzacker 11 Μαρ 2021, 10:31 
Seija Kijin from DDC 1 Μαρ 2021, 3:46 
Pvt. Major gaggle fuck 20 Φεβ 2021, 19:59 
hey dude when I prone it goes so fast but the thing is that there is no error or conflict massage or its due to my model so can you fix it?
g 30 Νοε 2020, 5:09 
@ShPorK_ZAPorov Only the faint of heart will believe what you wrote, I have already met this, and on your promised (not youre) terrible Monday, nothing happened :steamfacepalm:
Coolmanny 25 Αυγ 2020, 22:27 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of your life. TIC TOC
oknamer 23 Αυγ 2020, 9:28 
Adding cause I'd like to get the VMF for richland
Vortexas-A [Commissions] 17 Ιουλ 2020, 14:22 
Here's my Passport, can't wait to see my family again
craig porter jr 30 Ιουν 2020, 20:00 
yo my guy give me Artsotskan Coin
Shelby_Terlingua 30 Ιουν 2020, 17:16 
+rep :cozybethesda:
The Amazing Cobra 17 Απρ 2020, 14:00 
Yo, added on the swep job mate
James 16 Απρ 2020, 12:22 
I've added you because you commented on my gmod store post about needing a teacher
staver 11 Απρ 2020, 1:47 
The prone mod keeps bouncing Heres my mods https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2056560217
corgi 7 Απρ 2020, 21:06 
gimme $13
Sigismund 10 Δεκ 2019, 12:38 
i cant message you or what ever but i cant seem to be able to prone in the server im on pls dm me back so i can fix it asap
Chantu 11 Οκτ 2019, 17:21 
pls fix prone mod uwU
JoeDieHoe 9 Οκτ 2019, 10:50 
Prone mod doesn't work anymore :c
MajedCT 5 Αυγ 2019, 4:02 
hi stalker.
can you tell me how i unbind double ctrl on prone mod
im gettin bored of it :/
Ezrilor 11 Μαϊ 2019, 19:19 
Hi, I'd like to get my hands on the Cummycradle VMF if possible!
corgi 11 Μαϊ 2019, 19:18 
Biozeminade 21 Μαρ 2019, 22:12 
Hi, I'd like to get my hands on the Richland VMF if possible!
A_Tree 1 Φεβ 2019, 17:10 
Hello I'd like to say thank you for making a guide on how to get CSS textures legally, you're a amazing person. xoxo
blumpo 30 Δεκ 2018, 15:18 
Can you help me figure out what mod is conflicting with the prone mod? When me and my friends go prone our vision keeps bouncing.
淡定WackoD 20 Δεκ 2018, 6:35 
want to know something about add animation
Detective Sour Pants 13 Δεκ 2018, 17:21 
Yes, as long as no other addon is messing with it.
*Bahaa_1 {IsL} PaLesTiNe <3 17 Σεπ 2018, 3:14 
not asking for support, just a question
can i expect prone mod to work on darkrp?
аквариум 12 Σεπ 2018, 5:40 
ТЫ П И Д О Р ?
Superb_noob 9 Αυγ 2018, 7:00 
Add for seek help about the css texture for gmod
tomy 12 Ιουν 2018, 20:08 
Adding regarding GM Competition.
efhunter 13 Μαϊ 2018, 10:37 
Hey, I added you to ask if I could have the vmf to dm_richland.
YEET07 22 Απρ 2018, 3:28 
add me please I need help with css files for gmod
Jakal 16 Φεβ 2018, 20:58 
My game keeps crashing/my view keeps bouncing, how can I fix this?
This is because some addon is conflicting with the Prone Mod. The best thing would be to put all of your subscribed addons into a collection and send that over to Stalker either through a Steam message or leaving the link on his profile.

View is bouncing this is my servers addon collection where this is ocurring
Srlion 18 Ιαν 2018, 14:26 
Hey, is it possible to use your animations api?
Terry Davis 17 Ιαν 2018, 16:30 
hey i made a base and used the smart weld and whever i walk on it it lags
Ayanami 15 Ιαν 2018, 21:52 
Hey nate, im playing this iraqi child rp on religious gamers .org and it involves proning, for some reason my iraqi childs are not working on this macbook as of like I can prone but it still stands up for other children too (On my view), I've tried the prone_config Not helpful, i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling gmod and loading up the server and nothings happening. To most players on the server are working just fine, and then I end up hopping onto my other dad's PC (more better parts) and loaded up gmod with the same addons/files and it worked, I could move/prone and see the movement of everyone else just fine. But when I came back onto this macbook, it gone back to the same standing up still playermodel while prone.

please lend me the assist, i would very like much my child to lay down
Alubaba 14 Ιαν 2018, 7:47 
Add me please, so I can discuss an addon with you please!!