過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 0 / 12(0%)項成就:

Fear and Loathing in Samara

Complete the episode Fear and Loathing in Samara

Bring Me that Shawarma

Complete the episode Bring Me that Shawarma

White Blood

Complete the episode White Blood

Lazy Shawarma

Complete the bonus episode Lazy Shawarma

Who stole my sauce?

Complete the episode Who stole my sauce?

Bring Me that Shawarma 2

Complete the episode Bring Me that Shawarma 2

City Restaurant Guide

Complete the episode City Restaurant Guide

WSMS: Alyona's ending

You chose Alyona as an impostor

WSMS: Valery's ending

You chose Valery as an impostor

WSMS: Max's ending

You chose Max as an impostor

WSMS: Nastya's ending

You chose Nastya as an impostor

剩 1 項隱藏成就
