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yhteensä 8,8 tuntia
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Pelattu viimeksi 23.9.
yhteensä 8,6 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 18.9.
Azars 17.12.2014 klo 20.59 
Hey, thanks for Shovel Knights! Hope things are good with you.
Azars 16.12.2014 klo 20.25 
I haven't, hadn't heard of it before. I'll check it out!
sleepingjellyfish 5.8.2012 klo 21.40 
im at my brothers in philly, lets play magicka
Nathan Algren 10.6.2012 klo 19.25 
Hey dude, thanks. I will call your parents and try to meet with him. I am sure I have time. But they are too kind. Wish you were here. But that will be soon. Be safe and enjoy!!!

Azars 28.12.2010 klo 21.50 
How 'bout that Super Meat Boy, Blaise? I have honestly never played a more frustrating game in my life, and that's including NES era platformers.
KimTaro 24.12.2010 klo 9.31 