Vetrina degli screenshot
Shoutout bladee for Being the best support
slam dunk 23 ott 2024, ore 23:08 
THIRTY TWO #32 #32 #32 :re3stars:
Waffles and pancakes 22 set 2024, ore 23:35 
YOU look awesome ;)
TmarTn 3 set 2024, ore 3:14 
Hi this is tmartn
lunch break ♫ 18 lug 2024, ore 21:39 
keep gambling :we_ayana:
5'8 broke emo vamp thug 16 giu 2024, ore 18:26 
who dis
satrplatinum1234 14 giu 2024, ore 22:05 
This guy delete his comments, hes a bad person and a scdammer. He also hacks and walls but sometimes he turns them off which is why hes booty flake./ Kick and surrender immediately if you get him on your team. I am not lyinfg and im nbeing seirous,