joona.rintamäki   Espoo, Southern Finland, Finland
Just games loving autistic guy what else i can say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i mostly play via geforce now since i lack own pc of some kind
I wish more quake live players use gauntets such fun and underated weapon :humiliation: :humiliation:

https://inkbunny.net/s/2751486 avatar pic from there by user hentainbs on IB

현재 오프라인
Gaming ftw
Embrace indie scene :steamhappy:

Respect classics :steamsunny:

Say no to excessive mtxs bad ports etc :humiliation:

All hail to good gaming! :parksmiley::HappyPACMAN:
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shellshock live is great timewasteing game theres plenty players to match and wreck and have fun with all gg's gl's hf's and more XD

Tbh i wanted to do proper rewiew of this game for quite while but hardly got time and ideas to express my thoughts

so here we go

game is still fun to play
if you can get players of same level or higher than you its blast to play

things that annoy me

my teammates that ragequit as soon as they make even tinyest mistakes or even just leave the match after getting hit with X2 critt of any wep

players just kick me without a reason regalles of my lvl (and i dont care SR eihter) or after i helped my teammates to victory or after i landed a lucky break shot like 160 crit dmg from left side of map (me) to right side of map (opponent) with BFG 9000 (players say HAXXXXXX when i always play with my skills) it annoys me ( although its could be just me) when i watch nice shot compiclations on YT some get compligets like ns vns n1 etc but when i make good shots (although its random from situation to situation) i get like hax hacks banned etc that really grinds my gears all i do is to want have fun and enjoy the game without having to deal with this annoyance

players that wont let me to get grates that spawn i cant tell how many times i wanted to have more than one wep to use in one wep mod lobbys *cough* rebound *cough*

Also when X2 spawns and i have wep i want to use and wind is right and got lock on i ask them do they want no awnser what they have no awnser but wheh shot happens they just steal me from it and misses anyway one notorious case of x2 stealing one time my "teammate" decided to steal x2 out from me then hitting not only self but also me big time then leaves the match like WTF! THEY were thinking?! And most frustating part that i locked in faster than them so they had more than engouh time to change aim and not steal x2 out from me and then screwing both us big time

oh yeah i have problem with juggernaut mode no matter what i do i seem to hardly sccess at killing jugger eihter my mates bail out on me/have bad weps or play just badly but as jugger im often too strong because of my level theres time i become one everyone becomes afraid of me or jugger just kills me despide ohters closer or something

one case of juggernaut mode that same jugger got to be 3 times in row despide there 8 PLAYERS!

oh boy where i do begin with rebound or as i would call it Riggedbound

quicksand/desert users that love to fire those on me rahter than anyone else so i couldnt get out even with max tracks and earthquakes are too few and too far bewteen

when comes to luck it seems i have the worst

great barriers but trash wep
hard barriers but great wep
or both but hardly my way like anyone else has blessed with

crate stealers oh dont get me started on those that snag me out from me when i would desperally needed one during Riggedbound mode when im already at great disadvantance

and ragequitters and wind despisers more rampant than ever before come on i jsut want to get lvl 100 and snag that last achiviment so you guys not have to dread me no more its too much to ask for me to get lvl 100 without getting ragequitters and wind despisers and join high ranks like some hace reached

As retired now from this game i had frustating time with this wind haters and sucky players and ragequiteers left and right and no one that wouldnt bail out on me dosent even want play with me rahter prefeer that 4.08 Riggedbound

I only recommand this if you have anyone to play with ya and can enjoy it and have fun

Dont do same mistakes i did i didnt enjoy it or had fun or i did but those were keeping popping up to my lobbys :(
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창작마당 전시대
was feelin a lil sad n wanted to make something cute, also wanted some stubby character practice, i guess it turned out alright. Moogle from Final Fantasy. Original Model is from Mario Sports Mix. https://i.imgur.com/S1ocSWX.png
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제작자: kokidoki
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QL command in use, depending on your needs. If we want to make the game look like the prettiest select all of the values ​​corresponding to the improvement of the graphics engine or its components. If we want to make our game running as smoothly as possibl
스크린샷 전시대
BOOM!! 2.0 total waste LMFAO
3 2
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2M lets gooooooooooo
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gg = gauntlet gauntlet