United States
tuntia pelattu
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 17,6 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 10.9.
yhteensä 235 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 10.9.
yhteensä 826 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 9.9.
Ozymandias 1.5.2023 klo 20.53 
signed by summit1g
Gordon Klotpung 28.4.2023 klo 16.30 
I just drank my own piss. Not by choice however it was an accident own my own stupidity. I'd just gotten home from work (3rd shift) and sat down to enjoy my food I stopped and grabbed. Upon opening my bag I reached for my Arnold Palmer tea can I had just gotten cuz Im fairly addicted to the stuff. Here is where my mistake was. The day before I really had to releave myself after waking up and the bathroom was taken. Like most gamer guys out there I reached for the closest bottle and filled it about half way. Back to today I grabbed the wrong bottle took a big swig and instantly threw up realizing what I was drinking. My throat is sore and I'm no longer hungry for my burrito. Thankfully I can tell I'm not diabetic however.
Gordon Klotpung 19.11.2021 klo 8.59 
i still love you baby <3