Harley Hannon   London, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
[PSN: xoYelrah]
[Dead By Daylight: #0b30]
[Apex Legends: xoYelrah]
[Twitter: xoYelrah]
Cool of me to try, pretty cool I'm still alive :firewalk:
Gioco preferito
DeepDishPizzaParty 29 mar 2013, ore 13:26 
kk tyvm :3
YELRAH 29 mar 2013, ore 13:22 
Chroma~tan, her name is 'Tomoko' and she's from the manga: Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!
DeepDishPizzaParty 29 mar 2013, ore 13:16 
who's dat anime character? I've seen her every-freaking-where.
Chickenpet 26 gen 2013, ore 9:00 
Cal 23 gen 2013, ore 9:29 
Start Btooom! or I will eat your face
eezmde »SilVEr_DrAgOn_Ҳ 20 gen 2013, ore 20:42 
i took your profile virginity got zoey