Cheshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Cole’s famous Quote Wall! All without context

“You’ve done more for this community than anybody else ever has” - DimandADane
“You’re a living legend Cole” - Joe
"Always look up to Cole" - Josh
“I’m not a king, I’m not a god, I am Cole” - NETASS
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life” - Visoy
"Not everyday you get to have a coffee with the number 1 walls player" - Visoy

"16 and under is the way to go" - Aaron
"Is your dad usain.. because Usain bolted" - Aaron
"I love little balls in my mouth" - Aaron
"Cole tell everyone how much you like beans" - Cal
"You can be a noncé but not a simp" - cruser
"It's always your time to shine, unless you're dead. Then you can't do much." - Dan
"Alright boys I've been drinking" - Dario
"Come on fat boy, stop shoving food in your mouth and speak" - Dario
"Then there's the Walls community, they are like gorillas and THEY ALL HATE EACHOTHER. They all sit in the same discord arguing" - DuckDuckDawg
“cole is a very funny and sexy lad and personally I WOULD allow it.” - Graggle
"It's not gay if you have your socks on" - JacksXD
"You're a lot like a toe Cole. I know at some point I'm gonna bang you on a table" - Joe
"You make my legs go to noodles after sex" - Joe
"now that you put it like that, cole is my sugar daddy" - JohnyTheGambler
"Gambling is good, gg" - JohnyTheGambler
"penis in your mother" - Khasar
"the word is sunglasses, but i'm drawing the isis flag" - Khasar on Minecraft Draw It
"I dont even think my tent has pegs in it" - Lckymax320
"If there's only cold water I'm going to be bricked up every morning" - Lckymax320
"Cmon just a little tickle and a bum squeeze.." - Lckymax320
"Don't let him pull out" - Lckymax320
"We don't have a hard breacher, but doesnt matter because you are going to carry us Cole" - Lckymax320
“we’ll have to paint ourselves black to fit in” - Miles
"N**ger" - njcx
"Idk I’d rather circumcise myself with my graphics card than downloading Skype again" - Oliver
"ooooohoo monky" - Pelle
"Cole is autistic" - Pelle's Mum
"Shut up wanker" - Puffafish
"I'll Batista bomb your nan" - Reece
"Team I misclicked, I accidentally put penis in man, not gay though" - Reece
"Put your cam on, and dangle your left bollock out" - Reece
"I'm an edater... but also I am a pedofile" - roqo
"If you see a Jew, you've already f*cked up" - Spook
"God is black because he abandoned us" - Suroz
"I had a banger of a wank this morning" - Suroz
"It's time to f*ck some kids" - Tristan in R6 Ranked
“cheeky wee wee” - Visoy
"cole likes watching me because we're boys" - Visoy (he's not wrong though)

เกมแบน 1 ครั้ง ในบันทึก | ข้อมูล
1462 วัน นับตั้งแต่วันที่ถูกแบนครั้งล่าสุด
╭──╯ ABOUT ME ╰──╮
➥ Name: Cole
➥ Pronouns: Wank/er
➥ Common IGNs: ColeCRZ, xColeHD, cole9608
➥ Hobbies: Breaking bones
➥ Occupation:

╭──╯ Accounts ╰──╮
➥ Discord: colecrz / cole#7777
➥ Minecraft: ColeCRZ & many more
➥ Battle net: Cole#22131
➥ R6 Siege: cole.crz / xcole.- & more
➥ Epic Games: CRZ cole
6.7 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 20 มี.ค.
12.6 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 3 มี.ค.
144 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 27 ก.พ.
Joos_ms 8 ก.พ. @ 7: 19am 
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jcakk 4 ก.พ. @ 1: 52pm 
『NAPTRIX』 13 ม.ค. @ 2: 03pm 
┃  ● ═══   █ ┃
┃██ We love you. ██┃
┃█ -Not Mom&Dad. █┃
┃    ○     ┃
Joos_ms 19 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 2: 23pm 
+rep Only Headshot
+rep One shot, one kill. No luck, just skill
+rep Amazing Player!
+rep Good Player
+rep Best Player
+rep Pro CSGO player
+rep Top Player
+rep Good Leader
+rep Cool profile
+rep Insane Skills
+rep Epic Comeback
『NAPTRIX』 27 พ.ย. 2024 @ 10: 56pm 
Hey guys this is why I think racism is bad

um number one is that if you're not racist you probably have a lot of friends or even uh black friends or Mexican friends because you're not racist but if you're racist you can only have white friends so then only uh so the people who aren't racist have more friends.

um number two is that um if you're racist it's not good cause it would make the black people or um the other people sad.

uh number three is that we're all the same on the inside except for girls because they're not the same as boys.

number four is that if you're racist and you say that to someone you'll probably get mad at you and that's why you don't have that many friends.

uh number five is that is because if you're racist you know that's not good so then why don't you just not be racist this is why I think people this is why I think racism is bad
Visoy 5 ส.ค. 2024 @ 12: 04pm 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are :^)