If We Don't End War, War Will End Us!   Japan
Current Avatar: Anime Me
:csgoglobe: Hi > _ < I Like to Write.Not Really :csgoglobe:
Fav. Quote.
In the middle of the night, when the angels scream,
I don't want to live a lie that I believe.
Time to Do Or Die.


A little about me, I have black hair, i have glasses and i Love them,I love my music, I have brown eyes that all u need to know.

Hey, Thanks for stoping by, and if you want to know a little about me read this.

I am just one of your regular CS:GO trader. I enjoy thinking and taking long walks on the beach... but no really. I really like Anime, Nightcore and Visual Novels. I'm a hopeless romantic, and I'm living day to day with the struggle (it's worse than you think, pal). Thanks for dropping in! If you have any questions or concerns, add me!

私はあなたの規則的なCSのひとつです:トレーダーをGO 。私はしかし、誰本当に考えて、ビーチを歩く時間がかかって楽しんでいます。私は本当にアニメ、 NightcoreおよびVisual小説が好きです。私は絶望的なロマンチックな、と私は闘争(それは、あなたが思うよりPALさらに悪い)で日々を生きています。に寄ってくれてありがとう!ご質問やご不明な点がある場合は、私を追加!

Rep Count: +1

Sin conexión
If Here For Trades... Or a Q&A ...
● Don't bother trying to scam me. I know all of the tricks.


● If you offer on my CS:GO Lounge/Outpost post, and you either decline my friends list, or block me, don't expect to do a trade with me again. I don't take kindly to people who go against their word.

あなたは私のCSに提供している場合:ラウンジ/アウトポストポストをGO 、あなたは再び私との貿易を行うことを期待しないでください、私を私の友人のリストを辞退、またはブロックのいずれか。私は彼らの言葉に逆らう人に親切に取ることはありません。

● Don't be a dirtbag. I am as nice as can be in trading, and the last thing I need is to have someone abuse me verbally.



Those are the rules. I do take donations, either add me or send a trade request. I am an open book, so if you've got any questions/concerns add me.



Q: Can I have free stuff?
A: No, sorry thought.


Q: I see you're into Anime. Can you recomend any?
A: In my opinion, I like Your lie in april, and most of the big names but they are not my personal favs. Omg No game no life... Amazeing

Q :私はアニメに興味を参照してください。あなたがいずれかをお勧めしますか?
A :少女の人々のためのロザリオとバンパイア、および青年の種類の死者のハイスクール。

Q: You're creepy.
A: That's not a question.

Q :あなたは不気味です。
A :それは問題ではないのです。

Q: Do you actually live in Japan?
A: No, but it prevents me from having to tell people where I actually live.

Q :あなたは、実際に日本に住んでいますか?
hardy. 12 MAR a las 3:02 a. m. 
accept me please :)
i pick up these broken pieces 24 OCT 2017 a las 5:25 p. m. 
can you change your status
Kurt grey 23 ABR 2017 a las 7:39 p. m. 
Jorvand 29 SEP 2016 a las 3:20 p. m. 
AlienABD He ain't dead lol
Kurt grey 8 FEB 2016 a las 4:34 a. m. 
R.I.P i wish you're in a happier place