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Recent reviews by razor scooter bunny girl

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125.5 hrs on record (22.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is a lot of fun! With the small dev team and spaced-out updates, it feels like the community carries this game. But each update comes with more content each time and its worth the wait. The dev has teased a much bigger map which im super excited for. This game seems to have a great future ahead of it.
The glitches can be the biggest turn-off right when when you start. Staying on the same map for a long time can crash, loading your marker while bailing can crash, watching replays can crash, sometimes the game launches on the wrong monitor... But just be patient with yourself and the game and you'll get over the limitations no problem.
The community maps are the biggest thing that keep me coming back for more. This game has two discord servers (Normal game server + Modding server) that I believe are essential to enjoying this game.
Customization on the scooter is extremely free. You can pick from a little range of parts and pick any color you want. I was able to recreate my exact scooter quickly and not be limited to brand names. Would be really cool to tweak the length of the parts too, just to make them feel more close to real life hardware.
The scooter physics are fun, once you get the hang of timing jumps / pumping ramps it can feel really satisfying. Locking onto rails is a good *** feeling. Some tricks do honestly feel impossible to me because they require the right/left stick to be moved toward a certain direction - and the game just doesn't detect the trick i want.
The walking physics and just traveling around is the worst part of this game. You basically have to ride to where you want because the player is just a frail weakling that cant climb up most ledges. If theres a spot you want to go to - you practically need to ride to it 99% of the time. You cant UFO or Teleport to spots, and the game gets the most boring when you just have to push from one area to another for up to five minutes straight on a large map. So many rooftops and spots look like they'd be a blast to try and ride- but you're limited to baby hops, walking, or riding to these spots!!!
The most fun I have on this game is multiplayer. I was able to show my friends this game + ScooterFlow and get them interested in Scooter culture as a whole. People that have never ride park / street before can still customize a scooter and have a ton of fun with eachother trying ridiculous combos in the air. But multiplayer can be so buggy. :( When people join your server, they'll need to leave / rejoin to see everyone else, forcing us to just screenshare eachothers games.
Try this game and support the dev behind it! Its absolutely worth the time and patience if you love scooter culture.
Posted 14 September, 2024.
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