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总时数 21.8 小时
Homefront is irrelevant in the current landscape, both thematically and as a game. The threat of a North Korean takeover seems alien and the game itself is nothing home to write about. Its an over-hyped underplayed generic COD clone fps from the PS3/360 era. Is it worth it? Yeah, its a decent middling effort.

The story is simple: somehow in the year 2027, we live in a world where North Korea has emerged as the supreme superpower and unifying both North and South Korea has given them the advantage in the takeover of the United States. The game presents the idea of this well, but it doesn't explain how absolutely ludicrous the whole thing is. I mean, it was 2011 when this game came out but North Korea being a threat powerful enough to take us over, knowing how well armed and funded our military is, is dumb. It personally takes me out of the experience, but fine. The idea is .. questionable but there is potential for good exploration of themes that would come with such a story. Does the game do that... not really , kinda.?

I mean there's the idea that war dehumanizes the enemy and affects people who resemble or are of similar origin. One of the main characters, Hopper , is Asian American and faces prejudice for resembling the enemy, despite not being Korean nor Asian (He's from Oakland!) and its explored. Twice in fact, in throwaway lines that are part of a mission where you kill more Norks (the game's derogatory replacement for .. ch**k) and well its actually not done bad at all. Its just throwaway and its fodder for the mission of shoot bad guys. Another example, that is kinda straight up said , is that , what about the people in America who don't identify as American anymore because the country .. is in shambles. The game could go and explore a scenario in which patriotism and pride of country doesn't mean ♥♥♥♥ in the end... but no. You kill those people and take their helicopter, and are never mentioned again. Its a very frustrating thing because the game has a LOT of pros, offset by CONS that absolutely should get marked.

- Despite being a Call of Duty clone (Modern Warfare mostly), it is a solid shooter system wise, its gunplay is fast and snappy if a bit dated (2011 tho). Guns are fun.

- The cinematics in between chapters (This is the Voice of America) is a clever way of showing off how the events of the game are perceived around the area of the events (even though the apparent lack of actual cut-scenes is also apparent.)

- Voice acting is decent all around on all parts.

- Levels are for the most part, fully fleshed out and designed well. Some of the locations like the Colorado suburbs, and Golden Gate Bridge, have a lot happening on them and its good to see it affected as the story progresses.

-Graphically on PC its not bad at all. Looks decent for a 10 yr old game.

Now, cons.

- The game's random death spikes. Its easy even on hard but then there's parts where the enemy guns you down immediately because NPCs will take you out of cover, or NPCs will move before the triggering scene happens.

- The grenade indicator is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. It is so tiny. In CoD, the farther you are from a grenade, the smaller it is. The grenade indicator in HF is tiny no matter what, and you'll die because its not helpful at all.

- Saw some reviewers praising the character and the story.. couldn't disagree more. Connor Morgan is a complete and utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Putting people in danger, being erratic and sporadic, to the point where it endangers not just himself but his crew, a complete and utter lack of understanding from him in situations like death or loss. This dude also completely leaves EVERY man behind, on the last mission the player controller character Jacobs gets knocked over the bridge but actually lives, while you hear him tell the other characters to not even try to save him. He absolutely sucks and is unbearable and I question why such an arsehole is in charge of missions when its you Jacobs, doing the bulk of the work. Hes MURICA above anything and he's toxic.

Speaking of the main character, we have Jacobs. Jacobs is a mute protagonist who you don't see. Ever. Doesnt talk, just does what he is told. Hes a nothing of a character, Even CoD developed Soap and its silent protags in the MW games. Jacobs might as well not be there.

Rianna is fine. She's just there as eye-candy really, doesn't do much outside the first few levels. Inoffensive.

Now, the only cool character I liked was Hopper. Him being a hacker and technician comes up several times in the story, being in control of Goliath or other enemy weapons is cool. He is chill and nice, and gets treated like ♥♥♥♥ by Connor. He's the only character who has any vice in the story, being a victim of Asian hate crimes (...which, might be the only relevant thing in the game today.) So thats our crew.

Their story is again.. fine. It entails the story of them tracking down fuel for their mission to take back San Francisco with the help of what remains of the US military. But here's the kicker.

- The game is unabashedly short. It has 6 decent levels. most of which are nothing to write home about, ends on a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cliffhanger despite a very decent final level , and its over in about 4 hrs. I beat it in 5, the rest of my playtime was searching for other things and replaying it in general, among 1 thing Ill mention at the end. It is short now , and it was short then. Clocks in shorter than any fps released in 2011. Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Killzone 3, Resistance 3, Duke Nukem Forever (lotta 3rd entries in 2011 lol) besides maybe the original RAGE. By the time it does anything interesting, its over. which gets me to the final point

- Why the hell does this game have so much product placement. The first thing you see after the bus crash in the first level, is a White Castle. Another mission takes entirely within the location of a TigerDirect.com warehouse, which is funny because I don't think they really have much business anymore. A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hooters location as well, just randomly there. A random Full Throttle energy drink machine. There is an argument to be made that its to have a sense of the real world, but this game is not realistic to begin with, and the placement is so forced, Man of Steel would blush.

Overall, do the cons take away from the game a lot, yeah I'd say so. Is it fun? Yeah. Its an average COD clone with decent levels, nothing to write home(front) about. Worth it at MSRP? Dear god no. I bought it for a couple of bucks on Humble Bundle and that's a fair price. The game is bargain bin junk food - its Walmart brand COD. Its cheap and should be treated as such. not worth it for 20 bucks but 5, 6 is fine.

Final verdict: the game itself is mediocre/above average, is fun but does not explore the things it could that are potentially interesting, and is short, not so sweet and just whelming. Nothing more, nothing less, a very very strong 5.6 out of 10. 2 1/3 stars.

SIDE NOTE: The multiplayer component is not discussed at all, and thats because you presume its dead. However, Ive gotten decent mileage out of it. Its not entirely dead and servers can be found, just expect it to be 1 or 2 servers with less than half capacity, but its playable and fun, and has some decent cash system and upgrades, along with drones and special abilities. Just on peak days, weekends.

发布于 2021 年 5 月 1 日。
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总时数 2.3 小时
Oh boy, I felt the Bern alright.

Super Bernie World is another game in the long proud lineage of.. parody political games that have been on Steam before and will continue to be. The question is, is it any good?

No, its not.

Its your average run of the mill Mario clone except it advertises itself as being somewhat unique in its theme but, nope, it barely does anything that is almost inoffensive. What is offensive is how little went into character designs and levels. Levels are themed after states but they all look identical. Texas is not any different from Florida, PA, you get the idea. Its all just SMB1 ripoffs anyway, nothing makes it stand out. I mean yeah Mitch McConell turtle was funny but you then re use him for a boss and the boss for the first 3 levels mind you is one grey look dude that doesnt resemble Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, or Moscow Mitch in anyway I had trouble seeing who it was. To be honest I thought it was Mike Pence or John Kerry or something. The bosses are all SMB1 Bowser except even easier. The game is all too easy EXCEPT for level 4-2 in New York. Level did not work and you have to jump on McConell Turtles to platform and with this games horrible slippery diet SMB2 design makes for an INFURIATING experience for that level alone. My entire playtime was 30 percent the entire game and 70% that level alone. Screw that level.

Its such a pretentious game I groaned audibly. From the Goombas all wearing the MAGA hats(and you step on them, that will show them.), to Trump supporters with tears coming out their eyes in the Piranha plant tubes, to the dumb little cutscenes where Senator Sanders is saying some politically charged thing, to the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ epitome of pretentiousness with that ending where Donald Trump just bends over to Bernie , robbing of us of a boss battle , bite me lol I get that its tryna hype up Senator Sanders for his supporters but, as of 12/4/20, that obviously didn't come to fruition. So its pretenses are laughable.

This review is non partisan UNLIKE the game which paints itself as non partisan with the disclaimer but is clearly rooting for Sanders all the way so idk why they try to hide it.

This review took up more time to think up. Games about an hr long, took me two as I was working ( I work from home) and stopped constantly but even then, for free this was pretty much lame. There's better options out there folks. You won't feel a single bern or sense of gamer pride with this one.

I'm feeling a strong 2 to a light 3 out of 10.
发布于 2020 年 12 月 4 日。
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总时数 7.4 小时 (评测时 6.9 小时)
**This is strictly a review for Evoland 1. I own the seperate title for Evoland II on Steam. If I replay ever, ill update this disclaimer and review with the review for 2 as well.**

A solid 6/10. I understand this game is a proof of concept as the whole evolution thing is cool at first. Going from 8 bit, to 16bit, to 3d is great but besides some puzzles in the game is gimmicky. 2d Evoland looks fantastic and the Sprite work is great, 3D genuinely looks like mobile game graphics which , when you're trying to envoke the PS1 era Final Fantasies, doesn't really do it much justice. I do love little references to the games its paying homage to, the 1 town of Aogai being basically a pre rendered homage to Midgard, and the battle screens of the SNES FF games, with the adventuring, puzzling, dungeons, and chest opening all being clearly Zelda inspired. This game wears its influences proudly, but to a detriment. It doesnt really stand on its own legs. The story is non existant and besides the scene that was just a reference to Aerith's death in FF7 there's 0 emotion or really any thought put into it. Its just a nice little romp that in all honesty overstays its welcome at points. Boss battles were trash and feel lifeless. The music is good however its this 8 second loop that goes on and on and on and you eventually get tired of it, but at least when it goes from 8 bit to 16 bit to 64 bit versions its nice. Though to be honest I cant really go off on it too much. Dev clearly has love for the concept and the games.

At least now its bundled with Evoland II which I hear is good but I own the seperate version OF Evoland II so if its good ill just replay it on Legendary Edition if I enjoy it more. Buy it on sale or if youre interested for Evoland II, otherwise it can be skipped.

I'm feeling a strong 5 to a light 6.
发布于 2020 年 12 月 1 日。
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有 36 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 65.1 小时 (评测时 40.8 小时)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection is a mixed bag - its both an incompetent mess of crappy netcode, glitches, and missing features, yet the games here are as advertised and are some of the best fighting games ever made.

The collection includes only 4 games online (Hyper Fighting, Super Turbo, Alpha 3, and 3rd Strike) The inclusion of no online for Alpha 2 and tbh the whole collection is honestly sad and a missed oppurtunity from Capcom/Digital Eclipse, due to the fact that especially on this platform, especially Alpha 2, have a following on Fightcade and it was a missed opportunity to get those communities back on legal platforms instead of using 3rd party software to play those fighting games.

Well, maybe that would be the case but the Digital Eclipse team didn't know how to intergrate a proper netcode as the online for SF30THAC is pretty terrible around. I own both the PC and PS4 versions and while the PS4 version is relatively alright, PC in my experience has been almost terrible. I wouldn't recommend it much. And why would I? The game is kinda dead online - something that I cannot say for the PS4 version. Maybe because 3rd Strike is on Fightcade and runs better than it.

Emulation wise, its the original arcade perfect versions of these games - but that's not always a good thing. Alpha 3 especially had better versions made later on and the arcade version is the inferior version compared to Alpha 3 MAX. 3rd Strike had the excellent Online Edition made in 2011 and any improvements to the sound and graphics are sorely missed as all the games audio are in mono - something you'd think they would at least improve.

Overlays are fine but is basically one for the entire subseries - no unique ones. You play SF3 2nd Impact and you will still get a 3rd Strike overlay. Alpha 3? Have a Alpha 2 overlay. Really weird choices considering Capcom's MegaMan Legacy Collection had one individual overlay for every game in that collection, don't see why they half assed it here.

The filters are also half assed. Just 3 settings, none of which really help.

The Museum portion is actually pretty decent but I feel they dropped the ball on not including way more - no mention of SFxTK, or even the SFEX series. Sprite viewer is also pretty much redundant as it includes SOME sprites - but not all. and it feels incomplete. Music player is excellent and includes all the best tracks.

Training mode is decent for what it is and for alot of these games on PC its the only way. Funny considering Capcom had to patch this in day 1 because they didnt think anyone wanted it. Hehe. Oh, and its only training for the 4 online games (HF ST A3 and 3S)

One minor complaint, is that you cannot shut off music in game. There is no setting for it. Both PS4 and PC and it drives me nuts - sometimes I want to have a choice?

Going back to the core of it - it is Street Fighter. The games here work. Alpha 3, 3rd Strike, Super Turbo, Alpha 2, hell even the original SF (which had never been released on home consoles prior to his collection) They are here. Its just sad that Capcom did the bare minimum for its grandiose 30th Anniversary.

I'll recommend it only if for training mode, the games themselves, and the Museum. Oh, and buy it on sale. Both times I bought it for 20 dollars. This collection, in its mediocre state is NOT worth the full price of 40 dollars Capcom has the balls to ask for.

7.5/10 A frustrating shoryuken to the face of hardcore fans wanting a complete celebration package, but its a fierce kick of amazing games even if the overall product is mediocre.

发布于 2019 年 7 月 3 日。
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总时数 25.9 小时 (评测时 25.1 小时)
SPY Reviews: Prison Run and Gun

Date: Friday, October 15th, 2017

Prison Run and Gun. This game was suggested to me on the fact I f*cking love pixel games. (This game has some nice sprites). It looked like just an average puzzle game to me at first glance, but for 3 dollars this game gave me a hella of a fun time with it. The levels are actually pretty fun to solve, the shooting is great. This game is short for people who know how to play it. I managed 26 hours in the timespan of when I bought it, back in early July 2017. Its a very accessible game. The enemies arent very varied and I argue that at leat 1 or 2 levels in the game annoy the ever living crap out of you on how BS it is. Also, the last level and the entire sequence was incredibly disappointing, you expected a nice long drawn out finale with the cops only to find out you jump on the motorcycle with who I will assume its the escapee's gay lover and its over. They also crash and die

Overall, its a fun puzzle game still. Its worth 3 bucks, and I paid 1.50 for it cus coupon. I say its worth it. I recommend it,

发布于 2017 年 12 月 15 日。
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总时数 34.4 小时 (评测时 10.1 小时)
Easily one of the best fighters of the decade IMO. So fluid and fun and just filled with personality and fanservice. Such a beautiful art direction and a fantasic Jazz soundtrack. Probably one of my favorite fighters. Only problem is the online portion is laggy somedays and good the rest, not much of a problem on console.

发布于 2016 年 12 月 24 日。
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总时数 5.8 小时 (评测时 5.5 小时)
Legit one of the best PC games ever.
发布于 2016 年 11 月 24 日。
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总时数 10.8 小时 (评测时 2.4 小时)
Beautiful and relaxing. Serene. Melodic. Perfect. Like Serena Williams' a-ss, it doesn't stop amazing me on how good it is.

发布于 2016 年 8 月 20 日。
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总时数 4.1 小时 (评测时 2.6 小时)
For a dollar, I had some real fun with it.

I personally never showered with my dad, cause that's gay, but this is fun.

发布于 2016 年 8 月 16 日。
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总时数 3.2 小时 (评测时 0.7 小时)
literally a cancerous minecraft

there are no pros except for 100% completion automaticlly and free cards

im glad someone gave me this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game as a prank last year

i might try to go for 1000 hrs idk just cus meme xDDDDD

Be as lazy as the developer

still gonna recommend cus why not
发布于 2016 年 8 月 4 日。
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