Iglum 23 déc. 2023 à 17h25 
Jag har skrivit god jul till dig i 10 år nu :goldsmile: helvete har vi varit kompisar så länge ? :wololo:
Iglum 24 déc. 2022 à 1h41 
God jul :goldsmile: Det är över 9 år sen jag skrev på din profil första gången. :steamthumbsup:
Bruos 9 nov. 2022 à 9h20 
made you look
Iglum 13 mars 2022 à 15h46 
Bengan är ju sjuk
Mwolfenstein 13 mars 2022 à 15h43 
Made you look...Zeb...:rubberduckhs:
Iglum 24 déc. 2021 à 14h55 
God jul! börjar bli några år sen första hälsningen
Lauda. 18 aout 2021 à 3h12 
playing with cheaters noob
Iglum 6 juin 2021 à 23h54 
Mwolfenstein 5 juin 2021 à 15h03 
ih8nibbers 3 mai 2021 à 15h28 
cheating trash
Bruos 19 févr. 2021 à 13h18 
Huh? What's this? Youw pwofiwe? You appeaw to be wooking at youw steam pwofiwe? Did I pewhaps cause you to wook at youw steam pwofiwe? You have been fowced, coewced, convinced and seduced - some wouwd in fact say made to wook, at youw steam pwofiwe. What a gwowious thing owo Onye onye side, it. The being that dwaws youw attention, the being that exists fow you to wook at it. On the othew, you: Wooking. You, thwough aww youw wife, youw twoubwes and twibuwations, evewy second of youw existence has bwought you hewe, to this point owo The point whewe you have been made to wook owo
Iglum 27 déc. 2020 à 10h34 
God jul! för sjunde året då
Iglum 21 nov. 2020 à 15h22 
Hmm :wololo:
can't sleep 19 nov. 2020 à 18h54 
Wawwying cwy of da dwagonswayew
hazabaza1 10 juil. 2020 à 2h49 
Huh? What's this? Youw pwofiwe? You appeaw to be wooking at youw steam pwofiwe? Did I pewhaps cause you to wook at youw steam pwofiwe? You have been fowced, coewced, convinced and seduced - some wouwd in fact say made to wook, at youw steam pwofiwe. What a gwowious thing owo Onye onye side, it. The being that dwaws youw attention, the being that exists fow you to wook at it. On the othew, you: Wooking. You, thwough aww youw wife, youw twoubwes and twibuwations, evewy second of youw existence has bwought you hewe, to this point owo The point whewe you have been made to wook owo
Iglum 24 déc. 2019 à 12h05 
God jul kompis.
Mwolfenstein 4 avr. 2019 à 13h34 
Todd 19 févr. 2019 à 15h13 
God jul!!
Iglum 24 déc. 2018 à 4h48 
God jul! :goldsmile:
Mwolfenstein 28 oct. 2018 à 15h25 
Mwolfenstein 27 oct. 2018 à 0h37 
Don't touch my pumpkin! :ss13down:
Mwolfenstein 26 oct. 2018 à 15h24 

Made you look at goblin twice!
Mwolfenstein 26 oct. 2018 à 15h22 
Mwolfenstein 26 oct. 2018 à 15h21 
Are you the real fapqueen?
Todd 22 aout 2018 à 12h53 
didnt make me look
Bruos 10 aout 2018 à 14h22 
made you and jack look
hazabaza1 29 avr. 2018 à 18h17 
made me look
hazabaza1 11 févr. 2018 à 10h18 
made u luk
Mwolfenstein 5 févr. 2018 à 13h51 
Iglum 24 déc. 2017 à 14h13 
Det är över 4 år sen jag skrev min första kommentar till dig på steam. :goldsmile:
Iglum 22 déc. 2016 à 11h16 
Idag har min första kommentar till dig 3 års dag. :P::A::P::A::Y::A: :goldsmile:
Bruos 30 nov. 2016 à 3h01 
Chef Excellence 5 avr. 2016 à 15h28 
where's my downvote
Mwolfenstein 10 mars 2016 à 7h04 
JenkemGaming 1 mars 2016 à 14h29 
Very powerful magic great sword swing!
JenkemGaming 1 mars 2016 à 14h28 
WOW. I'm not sure how much HP I had left... 1?? Good fight lol
Mwolfenstein 19 févr. 2016 à 18h33 
Todd 25 janv. 2016 à 9h18 
i can dig it
Mwolfenstein 11 oct. 2015 à 6h44 
Chef Excellence 24 aout 2015 à 19h30 
guess what
Chef Excellence 18 mai 2015 à 6h46 
hey what the heck you didn't leave a tip
Chef Excellence 21 mars 2015 à 17h31 
ey gurl
Chef Excellence 31 janv. 2015 à 18h46 
ey gurl y dont u respond
Chef Excellence 14 janv. 2015 à 15h45 
im gonna send u a picture of my donger
Chef Excellence 4 janv. 2015 à 11h09 
zebulon z zeberski you stop masturbating this instant
Mwolfenstein 17 nov. 2014 à 6h20 
MAMMA :boomer::boomer:
Iglum 16 nov. 2014 à 12h04 
Äzariah 23 oct. 2014 à 6h57 
Oh I see how it is now. :P
Mwolfenstein 23 oct. 2014 à 0h31 
Zeb is always sceptical to games,..and then he change his mind!
Äzariah 22 oct. 2014 à 21h03 
Whats this I see in your wishlist? Is that the evil within I see? What happened to never playing it since it was locked at 30fps? :P I know your game sir and it is a crafty one. :dshound: