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1.5 ore în ultimele două săptămâni / 259.8 ore înregistrate (214.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat: 23 apr. 2022 la 17:34

There was a lot of hype around this game and it fell short on some of the things boasted but was it a bad game?
I don't think so, granted it wasn't the revolution in open world games it was supposed to be and it didn't do anything that we haven't seen before but what is there is decent fun, now I didn't start playing till the 1.3 patch and about half way through the 1.5 patch came out so I can't comment on what it was like at launch.

The main story is decent with some side story's that are fine, no real complaints here but it's not quite the choices matter game that it was supposed to be and the three different backgrounds soon merge into the same game with little variation, at the end game there are different choices on what to do, overall pretty good.

For game play it kind of feels like a GTA world in the future but with better gun play been first person, it's also a bit looter shooter level up and swap for better guns and equipment, you can approach fights in various ways, hacking, stealth approach or all out gun fest and it's satisfying and fairly well done, only missions that can be a bit tedious are the NCPD missions as there are so many to get through and no real story to them, but you only have to do them all if you want the achievement, A.I of foes is ok just standard stuff same with the crowd noting special but ok, the one part of the game play that is not too great is the driving, I imagine it's a mix of inexperience in this area and a game engine that wasn't built with driving in mind originally.

For graphics and performance it's a demanding game, now I'm playing maxed out at 1440P and it looks great, the world with the cyberpunk theme looks fantastic, especially at night with RT and all the neon, but even with a 3080 Ti I have to put DLSS on quality so I'm rendering at 1080P and even then in certain areas it dips below 60 FPS, but most have a Freesync/GSync monitor these days so it's not too bad, CPU also has to be good if you wan't a locked 60 with lower settings, I can get locked 60 with my 5800X but my old i7 6700K couldn't.

So yes I think it's a game worth playing, if you can get over what it was supposed to be it's decent, it just feels familiar rather than something new.
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