Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
7 van de 22 (32%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Emerald Grove

Reached the First Stratum.
Ontgrendeld op 17 jun om 20:41

Primitive Jungle

Reached the Second Stratum.
Ontgrendeld op 19 jun om 20:25

Azure Rainforest

Reached the Third Stratum.
Ontgrendeld op 24 jun om 20:46

Pursuer of Strength

Unlocked the Ronin class.
Ontgrendeld op 26 jun om 20:53

A Proper Adventurer

Completed the quest "The bandit's treasure".
Ontgrendeld op 26 jun om 4:47

Crushing Blow

Dealt 1,000 damage with a single hit.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jun om 2:00

Cataclysmic Force

Defeated a boss in a single turn.
Ontgrendeld op 24 jun om 20:46

Conqueror of Yggdrasil

Obtained all other achievements.

Absolute Power

Defeated the boss of the Sixth Stratum on Expert difficulty.

Forest Cryptids

Defeated an Yggdrasil Bud, Yggdrasil Sprout, and Yggdrasil Clover.

A Valiant Effort

Retired an adventurer.
0 / 3

Rest in Body and Mind

Let an adventurer rest.
0 / 3

Curse Wielder

Unlocked the Hexer class.

Filthy Rich

Obtained more than 250,000 Ental.
40,019 / 250,000

Wyrm Vanquisher

Defeated the Wyrm.

Drake Vanquisher

Defeated the Drake.

Dragon Vanquisher

Defeated the Dragon.

5 verborgen prestaties resterend

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