Trace Legacy Jr. the Keidran
Christopher Guhlin
----///-\\\----Put this on your page if
----|||---|||---You love wolves
----|||---|||---want to stop wolf slaughter
----|||---|||---and hunting
----\\\-///----please put this on your page
-----\\///-----if you care


I am Gray Wolf (Moon Wolf)... hear me howl at the moon at night... for i am a gray wolf... a Canis Lupus...


CuppyCake is the Baby Furs Unite mascot... and is willing to help others in the needs of getting used to furry culture...




Meaning of a lick~
*Lick on the Tail: Will you be my mate?
*Lick on the Ear: I think you are cute!
*Lick on the Stomach/Belly: I'm ready
*Lick on the Forehead: For comfort
*Lick on the Paw: You're my everything
*Lick below the Chin: I like you
*Lick on the Nose: I love you
*Lick on the Neck: We belong together
*Lick on the Shoulder: I want you
*Lick on the Chest: I love the feeling of you in me
*Lick on the Lips: I need you
*Lick on the Back: For fun!
*Lick on the Cheek: I missed you
*Lick on the Tongue: Ultimate expression for love

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....#.#...#.#........#........#....#...................#..#.... ...#............................#.....

Anime Furs ~Steam Group~
Furry Demons Gaming Group ~Steam Group~
BabyFurs Unite []
Jelenleg offline
Trace Legacy Jr. the Keidran 2016. szept. 7., 23:11 
This account is still technically dead, but please add me at
Hellhound Chaosdiver Krishtulax 2013. dec. 26., 12:32 
This account is now dead and i reside on this account.... so if you are still willing to be friends... please add this account

Hellhound Chaosdiver Krishtulax 2013. ápr. 21., 14:49 
yup.... sure did Vancouver.... this is the profile
fentanyl fanta 2012. aug. 12., 2:44 
1 <3 all
The Male/Man 2012. júl. 30., 11:37 
WARNING! .... Listen here. If two people by name (NisseFar and Nivek) wants to add you to their list, not accept. It is a virus.
Tell everyone on your list because if someone on your list adds him or her, you get it too. It is a hard drive killer and a very horrible virus. Please pass it on to everyone on your list
Lurch 2012. febr. 11., 10:10 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Everyone You Care About,
See If You Can Get A Dozen Before Valentines Day!!!