
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย Wren

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กำลังแสดง 11-20 จาก 22 รายการ
247.5 ชม. ในบันทึก (18.3 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
It takes some getting used to, but after a few sessions, I've definitely been enjoying Fantasy Grounds and its various tools. Plenty of ways to help organize and automate, including rulebooks and bestiaries that include all information about feats, creatures, and their various texts. However, if you have access to those texts, you can also simply type it in on your own, potentially saving you quite a bit in re-purchasing all of the texts. If you have any confusion on how to use any specific tools, they've also got a decent wiki and linked help pages for just about every window and option. All in all, I'd definitely recommend giving it a shot.
โพสต์ 17 ตุลาคม 2018
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67.2 ชม. ในบันทึก (0.6 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
While I originally gave this game a thumbs down since it could hardly run on my computer when it came out, I was finally able to play through it last year and it's now one of my all-time favorites and definite GotY for 2017.
โพสต์ 22 กันยายน 2018 แก้ไขล่าสุด 27 ธันวาคม 2020
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82.7 ชม. ในบันทึก (73.6 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Highly recommended before the Content Restoration Mod, even more-so recommended after. Even if you've played it once before, it's a classic worth seeing again.
โพสต์ 21 สิงหาคม 2018
บทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์หรือไม่? ใช่ ไม่ ขำขัน รางวัล
1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
7.2 ชม. ในบันทึก
Interesting rogue-like with short runs and a decent story. Worth coming back to now and again for a run or two.
โพสต์ 31 กรกฎาคม 2018
บทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์หรือไม่? ใช่ ไม่ ขำขัน รางวัล
1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
3.0 ชม. ในบันทึก
Really cute, fairly short. Much love for the developers, here's hoping folks support them on their website for more awesome games in the future!
โพสต์ 2 ธันวาคม 2017
บทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์หรือไม่? ใช่ ไม่ ขำขัน รางวัล
12.8 ชม. ในบันทึก (5.6 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
While not necessarily a long game from start to "completion" (I've unlocked all but 2 achievements with 9.3 hours of play, and those last 2 are due to not having Steam friends who have purchased the game currently), I fully expect Heat Signature to be a game that I keep saved and pick up to play on occassion many times in the future, much like Binding of Isaac has been previously.

Heat Signature is a fairly simple game in structure (you use an escape pod-esque ship to invade larger ships and complete objectives, such as stealing items, rescuing hostages, or knocking out the entire crew and hijacking the ship itself), with many of the objectives being achievable in numerous ways. There are a handful of gadgets that can help you in doing this (such as stealth shields, grenades, and teleporters), and thanks to the game's ability to let you pause at any time (and use that time to switch gear, decide where to teleport, or who to throw your wrench at first), the ways in which you can handle each situation are expanded both by your experience and cleverness. For even more examples and practice at attempting these sort of challenges, each station you liberate opens up a preset mission, limiting you to specific gear or circumstances (Have you ever tried to catch up to a ship using shotgun blasts to propel you towards it? You can now!)

There are certainly ways in which I believe Heat Signature could be improved. As mentioned before, within 9 hours, I've completed most objectives (there are still challenge missions and nodes to be unlocked, but a lack of desire to do so). Once you've become used to the game, many of even the hardest missions become trivial (depending on what gear you choose to bring along). And even the largest of ships take little more than a couple minutes to complete.

Regardless of this, though, I still am very much a fan of this game and see it as one that I will continue to pick up and play every few weeks or months. I can hope to see more from it coming in the future, but even if there is not, I feel it's been worth it.
โพสต์ 17 ตุลาคม 2017
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0.0 ชม. ในบันทึก
Very short game. Much more about the story than the game mechanics. Sort of interesting and worth playing and thinking about.
โพสต์ 26 พฤศจิกายน 2016
บทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์หรือไม่? ใช่ ไม่ ขำขัน รางวัล
19.5 ชม. ในบันทึก
I was fairly torn on whether or not to recommend this game, but given that I enjoyed it enough to play through to the end, I feel it's worth the recommendation.

The gameplay mechanics are decent, and the game plays in a way that you can play stealthily or directly (though neither plays too differently from the other, and certain portions of the game will require you to play a certain way by fighting waves of enemies or remaining unseen). The controls are fairly good in terms of combat as well, and for the most part the controls are decently responsive in traversing the environment (every now and again I ended up jumping in an unintended direction and plummeting to my doom, but this was rarely the case).

The story itself wasn't very notable, and it felt like it was moving from trying to find and save one teammate, to climbing along a collapsing bridge, to finding another teammate, to climbing along a collapsing tower, to the first teammate suddenly vanishing and you trying to find them again (with many gunshots, clubs to the head, and grunt/gasp-filled falls in between). It never really grabbed me or made me care much about what was going on, even when characters were supposed to have dramatic/important deaths.

Overall, it's a decent game, and if you can pick it up on a sale I figure it's worth playing in your spare time. The game itself looks fairly good and the puzzles and platforming are good as well. If story-driven games are your thing, this might not be your favorite, but if the puzzles, collectible-hunting, and platforming interest you enough, you'll probably still get some enjoyment out of it.
โพสต์ 10 ตุลาคม 2016
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284.0 ชม. ในบันทึก (184.2 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
A great MOBA that separates itself from others in its own unique ways. Behind-the-character camera, body blocking, and a stronger reliance on aiming to hit with basic attacks gives it a more action-esque feel than many MOBAs with an overhead/RTS-style camera, The champions are gods all from mythologies of different cultures around the world (which is a plus for me, since I really enjoy mythology), and the design behind them is fairly well done. Many of the characters fit basic archetypes (with 5 classes and most characters having some form of dash/chase/escape), though there is enough diversity within and among classes to make things interesting and for each god to have their own playstyles, advantages, and disadvantages.

I definitely recommend the God Pack (unlocks all gods currently available and that will be available in the future, which is cheaper than the unlock systems for many MOBAs), though the gods are also available, similar to most MOBAs, on a rotating weekly schedule as well. There are multiple game modes (Conquest, which is a typical MOBA style; Arena, similar to team deathmatch; Assault, random 5v5 single-lane Conquest; 3v3 or 1v1 Duel; MOTD; etc.) which allow for some good variety and different playstyles to keep things fresh.

As far as cons go, there are issues from time to time with servers and lag, though that's nothing out of the ordinary, some minor balance issues when new gods are released (with a tendency to be overpowered which, alongside not knowing their counters well yet, can make for a number of frustrating matches for the two weeks or so it typically takes for them to start any sort of tweaking for balance), and that many of the "better" skins are only available through RNG chests (which cost on average $7 a roll for smaller chests, or are half the price but filled with many recolors/voicepacks/ward skins that you could otherwise earn just through playing). Of course, skins are only an accessory and don't change anything really, so that's a minor gripe, especially for a game that is available to play for free.

Again, I'd definitely recommend this game. Whether you're a fan of MOBAs or completely new to the genre, try downloading the game and give it a shot. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
โพสต์ 23 มิถุนายน 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 23 มิถุนายน 2016
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2.3 ชม. ในบันทึก
A fairly short game (completed it in about 90 minutes, without achievements), but a decent one. Story is pretty basic, not overly compelling and probably could've been okay even without it. A bit simple at times, but interesting mechanics and worth buying on a sale if for nothing other than the mechanics and the visuals.
โพสต์ 6 เมษายน 2016
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กำลังแสดง 11-20 จาก 22 รายการ