Alex "The DoomSlayer" Jones
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I played Nekopara for the plot 31 października 2024 o 19:25 
you don't need candy today, you're sweet enough as it is
Xenaero 31 maja 2024 o 7:55 
Daddy Trump is CUMvincted on ALL Charges 😱 UH OH 🫣 the loooong 😏 💪 arm 💪 of the law🏼 has swung 🍒 low 🍒 to give Daddy 🤠 Trump a good 👏 SLAP 💥😜 The 🏙️ Manhattan 🍆 DICKstrict 🍆 Attorney's 😯 criminal 🔎 invesTITgation 🍈🍈 into Trump's 💦 HUSHdaddy 👉 payments👌 is finished off 🔥 🔥🔥 ☝️🧐 Send this to 🔟 of your 😜💅 SLUTTIEST 💕 seditionists 🤪 and if you get 0️⃣ back ☹️, get ready 😬 to do some 😏🍆 HARD TIME just like TRUMP👎 If you get 5️⃣-🔟 back, you might 🌊 SLIP 🌊 right out 😉 of this 💦 STICKY 💦 situation 👻🤔 If you get 🔟➕ back then 🦅 Daddy Trump 🫡😘 will give you an insERECTION 🍆 you'll ❤️ NEVER ❤️ forget 😍🤯❤️‍🔥
Xenaero 22 listopada 2023 o 9:07 
I used to play Fortnite all night. No sleep! But ever since Obama told me to try Raid Shadow Legends for free, I am addicted. This game is a game. It has graphics. It has characters. Best of all it has a loot box mechanic to enhance my experience even more by adding another exciting chance based layer to the game! Two week ago I spend all my money becoming a Raid Shadow Legend. Now I live in a dumpster outside a McDonald’s with free WiFi. At night I sneak into the McDonald’s like my new raccoon dad, Stripey, taught me to do so I can charge my phone. Through the cracked screen I am still perpetually amazed by the graphics of this game... they look so real! Thank you Obama, you truly changed my life!
Xenaero 18 sierpnia 2023 o 3:08 
I used to hang out near the condo where Aaron Judge stayed his rookie year. I knew a 7pm game meant 4pm batting practice, meant he'd try to leave for the park around 2 or so. So I'd show up around 9:45am with two bagels, one for me and one for him, and hang out a few hours. Whenever he finally came out, I'd be close to the door but not close enough to freak him out, ya know. 10 feet or so. So he'd come outside and I'd go "Aaron! Aaron! Got you a bagel, bro!". The first couple days he sort of smiled and waved, and he talked to me! He said "nah I'm good man" about the bagel. I was in awe. A living Hall of Famer, in his prime, speaking to me. Anyways, after those first few days, he'd usually just look at his phone, which is fine. I still kept it up for the rest of his rookie season. He never talked to me after the first week, but I always brought two bagels anyways. Just in case.
I played Nekopara for the plot 6 lipca 2023 o 0:17 
they just updated hdoom and we should play
Xenaero 5 lipca 2023 o 0:04 
👋👋👋 HOE SAY CAN YOU SEE 👀👁 this hot 🔥🥵 piece of AMURRICAN ASS 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🦅🍑🤯‽?‽‽ Today 📅↩️ is IndepenDICKs Day‼️🦅 and its time 2 celebrate our Democrussy 🥵🥵🥵 Did u know 😳💭 1776 yrs ago 🕗⬅️ America ❤️🦷💙 was ruled by King George Washington 👑🍆👴🏼 Thank God 🙏👼 🇺🇸 BarrCOCK 🍆 Obama 👦🏾😍 won our freedom 🙌 by hosting the Boston Sex Party!! 🥵🙇‍♂️🎉💦 (Thats where they wrote ✍️the DICKlaration of CUMdependance 📜😩✊) So tonight 🌚 the Fondling Fathers 👴🏼👴🏼👴🏼👴🏼 are gonna give u a Very Special 🤭 Fireworks Show 😳😜🍆💥🎇🎆
Send this to 🔟 of your favorite Stars ⭐️ and Stripes Sluts 👯👯! If you 🔟 back, your democrussy 🇺🇸🎊💙❤️ will be filled with nationalGASM 😩🇺🇸💙❤️💯🙏🇺🇸!