Verboten Geist
Pennsylvania, United States
The flesh is weak, the metal is strong :steiner:
Jaws 2022年5月29日 10時57分 
my dawggggg
Kikinini 2017年6月21日 22時18分 
Do you:
* hate yourself
* have snake condoms
* post dank memes
* spend too much money on fidget spinner sex toys
* have an autistic fit whenever you think about the emoji movie
* eat bread flavored ice cream
* use whom'st in real life discussion
* scream "🅱" at your friends

semen_demen 49 2015年10月3日 23時56分 
"If life and death are realities, isn't human suffering inescapable?"

"There is no life or death."

"How can you say that?"

The world itself is a unity of matter within the flow of experience, but people's minds divide phenomena into dualities such as life and death, yin and yang, being and emptiness. The mind comes to believe in the absolute validity of what the senses perceive and then, for the first time, matter as it is turns into objects as human beings normally perceive them.

The forms of the material world, concepts of life and death, health and disease, joy and sorrow, all originate in the human mind. In the sutra, when Buddha said that all is void, he was not only denying intrinsic reality to anything which is constructed by human intellect, but he was also declaring that human emotions are illusions.