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Neue Rezensionen von Vault_13

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69 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
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138.7 Std. insgesamt (132.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Before playing this I started with first Dark Souls (not on Steam though) and what can I say - I had to spend a few evenings just to complete the tutorial part of the game since I couldn't figure out how to put a shield in the hands of my character and use it to protect myself. Also had no idea there's autolock so you can probably understand by now that this made the game even harder for me than it was designed initially. I swear to god I would abandon this game if I was 11 or something, but being an adult makes you stubborn and gives you that special "I need to finish this" feeling about everything you start doing.

I've spent around a year trying to beat the game and had most problems with Ornstein & Smough. Evening after evening I tried to make my character stronger to actually be able to survive this massacre. I played this for a few hours, got despaired and switched to other games. Sometimes I abandoned playing for weeks or even months. But eventually I was able to complete this and it felt like one of the biggest accomplishments in any video game I played so far. I've never had an experience like that before and I loved it.

Dark Souls 3 appeared to be less challenging since I was able to call for help anytime I wanted and being lazy in nature I didn't hesitate to do this. It felt like cheating but it's really hard to torture yourself knowing that this can be done in a few minutes with the help of a few pro players. This way I could actually enjoy playing the game and it became more of a relaxing experience since I don't always want to be destroyed in moral way after having a hard day at work which happened a lot at that time. This was also the first time I used the multiplayer aspect of the game and it felt good but also punishing since my fighting tactics usually sucks comparing to what people usually do when they play this game.

Overall I feel that DS3 is like DS1 on steroids, at he same time it was easier for me in many ways and I was able to complete it much faster than DS1, which isn't bad but at the same time the fact that I can get help almost any time stole part of the fun I had while playing DS1. The bottom line here is that one definitely should play this game if s/he liked DS1, but I suggest avoiding getting help from other players if you want to get similar experience.
Verfasst am 24. November 2018.
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7 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
635.4 Std. insgesamt (616.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I've spent quite a few hundreds of hours playing this game. It was a real blast till I realised no more updates are coming. After that it kinda lost the whole meaning. Anyway I learned many things about tactics in MTG thanks to this instalment so I'm really thankful to devs and owners of IP for making this game a) free b) updated for as long as they could.
Verfasst am 2. Juli 2018.
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