Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

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Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
20 of 20 (100%) Ansaitut saavutukset::

Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

So It Begins

Beat the Tutorial.
Avattu 31.12.2015 klo 17.52

Mines Shafted

Reach the Jungle.
Avattu 7.4.2017 klo 12.25

Jungle Jammed

Reach the Ice Caves.
Avattu 11.10.2020 klo 16.43

Ice Creamed

Reach the Temple.
Avattu 11.10.2020 klo 16.49

Made It

Complete the game.
Avattu 22.10.2020 klo 18.52

Big Money

Obtain 500,000 gold.
Avattu 11.11.2020 klo 19.41

City of Gold

Reach the City of Gold.
Avattu 7.11.2020 klo 14.44

Eternal Life

Obtain the Ankh.
Avattu 2.11.2020 klo 11.01


Complete the game without using shortcuts.
Avattu 22.10.2020 klo 18.52


Complete the game in under 8 minutes. No shortcuts.
Avattu 13.11.2020 klo 12.59


Play Adventure Mode 1000 times.
Avattu 13.11.2020 klo 12.15

To Hell and Back

Complete the game the hard way.
Avattu 11.11.2020 klo 19.42

Seen a Lot

Complete 50% of the journal.
Avattu 10.10.2020 klo 17.19

Seen It All

Complete 100% of the journal.
Avattu 13.11.2020 klo 10.36


Rescue 10 or more damsels in one game.
Avattu 10.11.2020 klo 21.52

Public Enemy

Kill 12 or more shopkeepers in one game.
Avattu 3.11.2020 klo 19.25

Low Scorer

Complete the game without collecting any treasure. No shortcuts.
Avattu 15.11.2020 klo 13.33

Good Teamwork

Complete the game with at least two players alive. No shortcuts.
Avattu 15.11.2020 klo 23.44

Her Favorite

Win the kapala from Kali.
Avattu 12.10.2020 klo 21.38

The Entire Gang

Rescue all 16 hidden characters.
Avattu 11.11.2020 klo 20.30