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the Creator of all things <3
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“Definitely an individual.”
I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual.

I am no longer accepting friend requests, with very few exceptions. If your profile is set to private then I am never going to accept you under any circumstances.

I am not in the habit of answering personal questions nor playing with strangers.

I do not giveaway any of my items under any circumstances.

I hope you can give me some personal space when I am busy or ingame .

" Not in the golden treasure - in the mind "
Not a bad miserable life in prison !
See : wilted violets head
And the roses disappear in the lush fringe.
Full Real Name: Luca-Leonardo Johannes Weber
Nicknames: Leo, Webbs

Favorite Sports: Basketball & Tennis
Favorite Animals: All animals
Favorite Cars: McLaren, Corvette
Favorite Song: “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay”
Favorite Game: Pool
Favorite Music: Rap music
Favorite Musician: Harry Connick Jr., Eminem
Favorite Bands: Pink Floyd, The Beatles, & Led Zeppelin
Favorite Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Mark Wahlberg
Favorite Actress: Mila Kunis
Favorite TV Show: How I met your mother, The Big Bang Theory, Mythbusters
Favorite Vacation Place: USA
Favorite Food: Pasta, Meat
Favorite Drink: Lemonade, Diet Coke,
Favorite Colors: Black, green, purple & orange
Favorite Cities: New York, Los Angeles & Cour D'alene
Favorite Movies: The Great Gatsby, The Wolf of Wallstreet
Favorite Spare-time Activity: Singing along, Being thoughtful
Least favorite Kind of People: "Cool kids"

Habits: Twisting my hair and biting my nails.
Musical Instrument Played: I used to play the guitar
Highest Wishes: To save the environment, help people in need and live in peace.
Little-known Fact: I speak fluent English
Childhood Description: Funny, goofy, and cute.
Best Quality: I have a good sense of humor.
Main Goal in Life: To be rich and successful in life.

Omar Khayyam ( Giyasaddun Abul Fath ibn Ibrahim Omar Khayyam Nishapuri ) was born in 1048 in Nishapur (Neyšâbur, a city in Iran ) . Omar Khayyam studied in his native city , and then continued his education in Balkh , Samarkand, Bukhara and Isfahan .
Creativity Khayyam - is one of the most remarkable and surprising phenomena in the culture of the peoples of Central Asia and Iran.
Wonderful quatrains ( Rubai ) still to conquer the hearts of readers of its brevity , rhythm and limiting capacity .

Brother, do not ask for wealth - they are not enough for all.
No respecter maliciously saints sin .
There are over mortals God . Well before the affairs of his neighbor ,
What in your dressing gown more loopholes .

Self-built gaming PC
Intel® Core™ i7-5960X 3.0Ghz
Intel® Core™ i5-3450 3.1GHz [OLD]
16GB Quad Channel DDR4 2133MHz RAM
256 GB Toshiba Q-Series Pro
3TB Intenso HDD x2
1TB Hitachi HDD
Cooler Master HAF 922 Case
Chirik 10 Jun, 2019 @ 6:55am 
хэй, здарова, че как сам?