Gamer Radovan
Radovan Karadzic   Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Oj Alija Alija ljiljanima babo

i tebi će leđa okrenuti švabo

Oj Alija Aljo primi hladan tuš

u brk ti se smije tvoj prijatelj Buš

Oj Alija Alija muslimanski izrode

prevešće te Tuđman žednog preko vode

Oj Alija Aljo male su ti međe

da si ost'o sa nama bile bi još veće


Oj Alija Alija ljut si na nas strašno

što ne možeš Srbina prodati za brašno

Oj Alija Aljo šta će tebi hrana

kol'ko bolan misliš imat Ramazana?

Oj Alija Alija izgubićeš čast

kad ti Tuđman ovce uzme a pošalje mast

Oj Alija Aljo tebi nešto fali

misliš da si veliki a tako si mali


Oj Alija Alija imaš grdnu manu

što si babo izabrao skroz pogrešnu stranu

Oj Alija Aljo šta ćeš bolan sada

izdala te izdala Tuđmanova garda

Oj Alija Alija i mi smo te zvali

al si htio da postaneš ti veliki Ali

Oj Alija Aljo možda nisi znao

visoko si poletio a nisko si pao

Favorite Game
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Review Showcase
Even though this is a side game similar to that of AC Liberation or the standalone Freedom Cry (Black Flag DLC) and is overshadowed by the bigger AC title of that year, being Unity, I hold Rogue as my favorite Assassin's Creed game of all time. Unlike many others who hold more favor towards the Ezio trilogy of games I personally prefer the colonial era games (granted I did start with AC3). I love the gameplay of this era and this game especially along with the vast amount of locations and means of travel, the start of true ship travel and the liberation and/or conquering of forts and towns throughout colonial America and the Caribbean.

Along with the gameplay I also love the story this game gives, though relatively shorter than normal AC releases. Shay Cormac's story between the Assassin Brotherhood and Templar Order is one that though keeping to the era feel does show a unique and enthralling perspective on the other side of the conflict and how various decisions made by both sides influence events of the later Assassins we play as. If you enjoyed AC3 & Black Flag and/or want to see a different genuine perspective from the side of the Templar's I highly recommend this game. I have 100% the remaster on Xbone, played the campaign multiple times on both Remastered and the original on Xbox 360 and now play it again on PC.

UNO Rating: Dead Brotherhood Members/10
Review Showcase
Halo has been my favorite game series (and one of my favorite lore/stories) since I had gotten more into gaming back in 2010 when I finally got an Xbox 360 and with it Halo 3. Since then the series has captured my time in it's thrilling campaigns, fun and at times hilarious multiplayer game modes and expansive forge maps.

Though on Xbox one in 2014 and it's title releases on PC have been an interesting and at times frustrating journey, 343I has shown a genuine commitment to improving the game and making them more stable, interactive and increasing reasons to continue playing with it's seasonal cosmetics and weekly/seasonal challenges.

There is no way I can recommend this enough especially with Halo Infinite around the corner at the time of making this.

Le UNO Mations rating of Infinite/10.

Edit 9/14/2022: That last part did not age well at all.
Screenshot Showcase
Garry's Mod
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