dbd players are still 💩 over 8 years
same 💩, different 📅 yk ✌🏻
13k+ Hours 😈☠️😱
Gimme variety killers 😴🥱
If I get the same killer 2-3 matches in a row=going next 😴☠️
6 p100s 😈
25 yrs 🥳
Favorite hobbies 😎
- ridin' the bike 🏍️
- gamin' 🎮
- workin' out 🏋️‍♂️💪
BEST QUOTE " I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that." "Robin Williams" 💞❤️‍🩹
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2 beoordelingen
iyniri 13 uur geleden 
gg from the blight :)
unforsakn. 14 uur geleden 
you lost to a low tier killer homie, stay mad and upset! Hope commenting on people's profile's when you lose over a video game makes you feel better! xD <3 Hold this L <3
Kurt CoBALLZ 15 uur geleden 
-rep How'd you know I play the clown and tunnel, and its a picture of this guy.
Sully 8 feb om 23:28 
+rep great teammate
noodle ♡ 7 feb om 21:32 
+rep best steve
munchkin 5 feb om 10:12 
+rep crazy chases, nasty steve