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The Life of Twig
The Life of Twig is an emotional story that will force even the strongest of us to shed a tear. Before you began reading reflect the struggles in your life today. Twig has experienced many struggles and yours may be similar. Don't go through the same pain Twig went though. Learn from Twig, The Master of the Universe, no matter who, what, how, or where you are you can still do amazing things that will change the world. Now, grab a tissue box and prepare for drama like never before in, The Life of Twig.

Chapter One, Twig:
Twig was born like most sticks, on a humble tree in the forest. Twig grew up with his fellow sticks but he soon realized he was different from them. He was shorter, and not as thick as the rest of the sticks. But the sticks were nice to Twig. They told Twig one day he would be long and thick like they were. But Twig didn't he stayed small and skinny while the rest of the sticks grew thicker and longer. Soon the sticks became branches. Twigs mom, Tree, loved Twig as much as she loved the branches, but Twig knew he could never be as big and strong as the branches. One day Twig sprouted a leaf. "Oh boy!" Twig said, "Maybe I will be big and strong like everyone else!". Sadly Twig was wrong, the very next day there was a storm. Twig was never afraid of storms, sometimes branches would break, but Twig was so small he was always safe. This storm was different, Twigs new leaf that he loved so much would end up catching the wind and ripping him from Mother Tree. The last thing Twig remembers Mother Tree saying to him is "You will be great some day."

Chapter Two, The Journey:
As Twig was being blown away he heard the sticks, branches and Mother Tree crying for him. Although Twig was small they all still loved him very much. Twig was the only one not sad when he was blown away from his family. He was happy; because he felt guilty living off Mother Tree and the branches. Twig was ready to die. When he was blown away from Mother Tree his leaf was torn off of him. He had no way to make energy. He was dying and he was happy. Twig lay on the ground for what seemed like an eternity. Nearing death every second he prayed to the tree god, "God, I wish I could be more than a Twig." As soon as he finished his prayer he closed his eyes for the last time and saw The Tree God.

Chapter Three, The Tree God:
"Twig, you could be much more than just a Twig. It's your mind telling you that you will never be anything. You have the power to do great things." As the Tree God finished, Twig realized he could be so much more. He could, and would be a doctor, lawyer or president one day. Twig turned to the Tree God to thank him for the advice, but in a flash he was gone. Twig opened his eyes, now he had more energy than ever before. The world was clearer now. The world was Twig's sandbox, all he had to do was grab a shovel and pale and hop in! And he did, he hoped alright, straight from lying on the ground wishing to die to his stump. Once Twig was on his stump he walked back to Mother Tree and his branch brothers. As Twig approached he saw some men in plaid carrying big sharp tools. Twig watches as the men cut Mother Tree and the Branches into tiny little pieces and carry them away. The whole time Twig was watching this, listening to his families screams he plotted revenge against the men.

Chapter Four, Twig's Revenge:
Twig soon took over the forest, and not much latter, all the forest in the world. All of the mother trees love Twig, and the braches do too. They need him because he lies in wait, waiting for the right moment to strike, and avenge the death of his family by killing the men in the plaid shirts. If I were you I would not go for a walk in the forest in a pad shirt. If Twig is there he will stalk you, and wait until the moments right to take revenge on his families slaughter Twig is not a cold blooded killer, he kills to protect his people, the trees and the branches that cannot protect themselves. He protects them from the people in plaid shirts. Twig is still weaker than all of the of the mother trees and braches, but he protects them. Now Twig is happy.

Chapter Five, Twigception:
Twig spins a top, it begains to wobble
*cut scene*
Twig sucks! - 公開グループ
You suck at CSGO Twig
3月10日 に最後にプレイ
3月8日 に最後にプレイ
3月3日 に最後にプレイ
Twig 2020年11月22日 17時00分 
i dont feel comfortable with this
Kangaroo 2019年11月27日 6時45分 
The Life of Twig - a very moving salient & thought-provoking emotional abstract story by a witty racconteur. Wanna sell the movie rights? Anthony GREEN-away could direct it? GREEN Day the Music score? Seriously, it's a mystery to me... I don't know why nobody likes you? I don't have any plaid shirts, I am educated civilized & have a Ph.D in Music Education might have something to do with that? Go get those rednecked villains with tiny hands a miserably low IQ & play-by-ear banjo talent, lousy rotten inbreed mouthbreathing Billybobs in plaid! Kill 'em all Twig! After you've played with your top... of course. :Dignity:
Uncle Draža 2016年10月9日 22時03分 
literally nobody likes this kid
Discount Heresy 2013年9月29日 14時55分 
Do I know you? I do.