AFTERMATH 20/jun./2014 às 21:05 
If I had a list of the coolest people I know, I doubt you would be on it.
Chocodil 13/jul./2012 às 17:29 
Your Smelly
WILD BOAR 6/fev./2011 às 22:39 
take that illegal picture of that little boy off your steam profile kay?
crookedkris 11/set./2010 às 10:40 
This kids like school in July, no class
Mojo Jojo 28/ago./2010 às 17:50 
hey this guys is so stong he would never ever fracture his knee stretching in P.E. 30/jul./2010 às 13:03 
Yo, This kid sucked my ♥♥♥♥.
XxX tOm BoMbaDiLL 96 XxX 21/jul./2010 às 8:50 
This kid is a joke