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7.4 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Realy not that bad, :)
the indepth sniping being quiet realisticly hard sometimes and goin tru every crust and waterbleach to avoid enemies or engage them from a different angle makin it very entertaining and chilled tho, a bit restricted sometimes but still quiet nicely done, despite the bug that it sometimes just CTD is a bit annoying ;)
Posted 7 September, 2023.
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14.2 hrs on record
Some things are for what it was or is a bit too tight on the Difficulty, BUT all in all, otherwise as we know as being HITMAN :D, love it :) im ready for 2 now :D
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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32.4 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
not as bad as people would think, kinda an interactive moovie unlike the other campagns like 3 and 4 had :)
Posted 15 October, 2022.
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3,664.7 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
A dope ass game build for me ^^ i like City Building since i was a kid in the 90s :* with Simcity 2000 :D
being able to do what i want, import Vheacles and stuff, rename tha damn roads to that i want, and namies from people, cars and deers even ^^ THATS FOR ME, if you want to be a boss then this is for you, you can do what evs you want here :D
Posted 15 May, 2021.
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18.7 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
A pleageback in the day because everybody talked about it and most pople had it, but i didnt cuz i wasnt into killing a horrible amout of zomis but to be honest: Recently when lockdown stared i checked it out and love it^^

It has that classy good old school CS feel that i like anyways and the mPCs are fun to listen when thay give out a stupid and fun comment^^ :D
Posted 23 August, 2020.
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2,392.7 hrs on record (91.9 hrs at review time)
a BIG :* to all that made this masterpeace that for ME started out to be a lil bit more arcady with that high pop when nollie or ollie and overall fastness^^
But NOW with tons of modz and even the devs put comunity made maps n there released version on ALL platforms is amacing :)
Animations are gorgeous and the controlls make it even better, no dying when bumb into some like in Session^^ and a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ smooth gameplay, thatz how its supposed to be done, HANDS DOWN a great game so far even tho not finished ;) but there is more but to make it simple: THIZ IS MA SKATE 4 xD
i got it when it was EA but price is still worth it when u can see how mutch u can express your individuality and being able to make a inward heel NOT look the same everytime and let the board nose dive and all these other things is absolutly dope and a true chillheaven for all skaters, im not one but im following that skatelifestyle for a few decades, have being on a real board 2 times and quit again because im an idiot but i love skateboarding as a whole since im 5 playing THPS all the time^^ so

THIS is for me! and all the others that think this way and want a game thatz pure skateboarding, there IS NO other game :D
Posted 23 August, 2020. Last edited 23 August, 2020.
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1,574.3 hrs on record (840.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
it was a constend up and down and kinda hated that game for a while, itz the most realistic one out there PERIOD ;) its a nerveracking game still, BUT :D not as mutch as it used to be anymore, for thoes who wanna feel a bit of pain and enjoy a constant learning curve, this game is for you ;)
Posted 23 August, 2020. Last edited 20 February, 2022.
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38.9 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Childsdreamgame ^^ had good memories with it, itz sadly a standalonegame because 2 riuned the franchise alltho the second was a good one as a game but not as a red faction title and in terms of destroying something, todays games cant touch this one :)
Posted 23 August, 2020.
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1.3 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Is super :)
Posted 1 February, 2016.
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272.8 hrs on record (79.3 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard/fast game but awesome not just like the normal movement/gameplay more different than all ur other titels trayarch i hope i make bo4 in few yeahs hope this does not end like the mw series ;) cuz mw was a trilogy but i hope bo doesent gonna be like that :D ;)

Tyonor :)
Posted 17 January, 2016.
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