Subject Name: :missing::missing::missing::missing::missing::missing::missing::missing:

Current Status: Unknown Presumed Dead :grimskull:
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Man with funny green glasses e a t s y o u r c o w o r k e r i n f r o n t o f y o u.


---///Existential Crisis in Progress///---
-Love- I care not if He has abandoned us. I still love Him. Like a child loves his father. His absence isn't a problem I can't live without, for His love may not be able to reach us, I hope my love for Him will. It is not a selfish love for I love Him for who He is. We were made by Him and to Him we return. May His mercy at least be the last thing we feel.

-Speak- I call but He doesn't answer. He can hear me, but chooses not to. I tell Him of my woes and of triumphs. I tell Him of my strengths and my weaknesses. I tell Him of my fears and my dreams. He doesn't answer. I ask Him to tell me something. Anything. What I would not give to hear His voice again. One more time. Once at creation wasn't enough and one at the end won't be either. I call but He doesn't answer.

-See- I am blind to the goals of His actions and yet I follow. For I know they are for the good of us. I follow Him as blindly just as His light makes anyone who looks upon Him. He is more than a man and more than a god. My life I forfeit to Him to use however His plan needs to. For His plan will save us.

-Doubt- In the sleepless nights of the nightmare of my life I call for Him but He doesn't answer. My calls no matter to whom, mortal or God are left unanswered. My sanity drained as my words become less and less audible. A darkness surrounds me that isn't material. That I can't move nor see. It drowns me slowly. Leaving me with these thoughts of doubt and helplessness. I am a mere tool to Him. I don't know if my loyalty is infallible. All I know is that I have to believe and I'm damned if I don't. My thoughts though are too being drowned in this pit of the abyss. I don't know for how long I'll be conscious of myself but for the little time that remains I will scream once more. Once more shall He hear me. Once more shall I be ignored.

-Fight- For he who faces off against God isn't a brave soul but a fool who's not contempt with the life he is given. He is a man who has forgotten the love he was given and knows only sorrow. A man who once loved, has now been forsakened. A grand fool who thinks his judgement better. A mere mortal who considers his life forfeit and his tantrum an act of rebellion. A last ditch effort to fight against his father not knowing that no matter his actions, thoughts or feelings he is still loved. As we all are.

-End- I shudder at the thought of what I am about to become. A transformation so foul it brings me a taste so bitter in my mind. My actions, that are mine no longer, scare me. My consciousness which is the only thing it has left me in this body that I do not control is fading. I do not know for how long I will still be me. I should never have went there. I should never have done the things that I did. I should never had uttered those words. Hm. It seems, it has not left me here alone. There is remorse and regret.

-An Outside Perspective- Macabre is the existence of man. Filled with despair. And yet, humanity persists onwards. Always failing, but always trying again. Falling down, but always standing up. I do wonder what it is that makes mortals move and take action. Is it the inevitability of their end? They crave to move the atoms that are always in motion just so they can say they are the ones who did that. I never truly understood them. If death is always so near, then why not give up? Why not put your hands up, lie down and die? That movement they create, those little bit of waves they emit is and always will be meaningless and null. Fascinating creatures.

-Hope- Inevitably we all die alone. It is an experience we all have, whether there is the reaper waiting for us or a god, I do not know. All I know is that I am spending time now, here, with you. My family, my friends. All I know is that I am happy today and have been happy all my life. All I'm hoping isn't to not die alone, but to not live alone.

-Weakness- Like moths to the flame, we followed him. We actually followed him. He promised us everything and what did we get for our devotion? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I am rotting now. Rotting in an unmarked grave, waiting for the maggots and the crows to finish off what little life I have left. I shouldn't have trusted him. But then again I never did. Maybe that's why he didn't help. I wasn't devoted enough. Strong enough. Not that it matters now. My sins have caught up.
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Preston 15 Sep, 2024 @ 8:57am 
......╚⊙ ⊙╝
Diogenesis 17 Jun, 2024 @ 2:50pm 
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Diogenesis 17 Jun, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
του αρέσουν οι άντρες, αλλά οι άντρες δεν τον συμπαθούν

και θα έπρεπε να αυτοκτονήσει
NO 17 Jun, 2024 @ 2:46pm 
Preston 17 Jun, 2024 @ 2:44pm 
Dumb Calico Cat 29 Apr, 2024 @ 8:09am 
ему нравятся мужчины, но он не нравится мужчинам

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy