Gray Matter Guerrilla 15 Jul @ 11:04pm 
Knock, knock. :demoticon:
TurtleShroom 9 Jul @ 7:51pm 
Bertarian, the Sweet Baby Incorporated link you gave was broken. This is the real URL: .
ForTheEmperor! 28 May @ 6:45pm 
Can't remember if I told you KF3 is coming out in a while- we should play! :cozydarkseer:
No RealGrugs, 9 RealGrugs 19 Mar @ 10:45pm 
How do you categorize the world?
((((Semyon The Great)))) 3 Mar @ 3:30am 
dunno about singapoor except that it is a weird kind of chinese
Gray Matter Guerrilla 2 Mar @ 10:34pm 
The Daddy Chill one, I meant to say.
Gray Matter Guerrilla 2 Mar @ 10:33pm 
:steamlaughcry: One of the better clips of theirs.
Perturbed Pendejo 2 Mar @ 7:22pm - We will game again in Elysium.
Perturbed Pendejo 2 Mar @ 6:02pm 
It's a grand time to be alive and have an impact on culture. DEATH. CULT.
Perturbed Pendejo 2 Mar @ 5:11pm 
Somebody who is proud of their work wouldn't want it to be hidden. It obviously needs to be said. That is all.
Perturbed Pendejo 2 Mar @ 5:05pm 
Blue haired weirdo blocked it from discovery in a fit of rage while sipping on soy but here you go:
Perturbed Pendejo 2 Mar @ 5:02pm 
Don't mind me. Just need to join a steam group real quickly and then I'm gone. Enjoy your games, brothers.
Perturbed Pendejo 2 Mar @ 5:01pm 
I hear Jacob's Ladder is a good movie:
((((Semyon The Great)))) 1 Mar @ 1:40pm 
">you can be too smart to be a cop, legally.
The explanation is a bit less fascist than people here seem to like to acknowledge.
Smarter people get bored more easily. They don't want their cops getting bored and leaving, wasting all the money they put into training."
((((Semyon The Great)))) 28 Feb @ 6:40am 
>Community Content Removed: Web Links
>Community Content Removed:Profile Text
This account has been banned from changing its real name for: 23 hours

>change my country to russian
>someone spergs at me for that instantly
>change my country to japan
>get profile text ban

// tf? it was fine for like ~8 years straight and not anymore?
((((Semyon The Great)))) 23 Feb @ 9:11pm 
pink nail army? you know what to do
No RealGrugs, 9 RealGrugs 19 Feb @ 7:32pm 
Humanity sure has a breadth huh
Gray Matter Guerrilla 18 Feb @ 1:22am 
Take care friend. I hope you don't leave for too long.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:48pm 
♥♥♥♥ intersectional progressivist marxism including their tool of critical theory by which it operates, breathes and lives on.

The issue is not your issue. At all.

Personal "Go ♥♥♥♥ yourselves" to the "Iranian" and "Croatian" clowns that tried to hack my MS account over the last month. You're pathetic. It's a sham account, dumb♥♥♥♥s. Learn to code. Or weld in your position.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:47pm 
You folks are obsessed.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:45pm 
I didn't mentrion Trump one time.
TurtleShroom 17 Feb @ 3:32pm 
Also, are you actually going to delete my posts and block me in November? Is that what you mean by me being gone?
TurtleShroom 17 Feb @ 3:31pm 
I want Trump to win.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:12pm 
Come October/November your ilk will be gone. Promise. Enjoy your stay.
TurtleShroom 17 Feb @ 3:12pm 
You already wrote that. What, do you actually think Gnome is mature enough to actually do anything but insult you and run off? That's the way those kind of people operate! They are cowards, through and through.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:03pm 
What now?
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:02pm 
You sure support each other.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 3:01pm 
Ya, sure.
TurtleShroom 17 Feb @ 2:03pm 
Is that the first "Austin Powers" film? I haven't seen any of them, so I would watch them in order. Thank you for the the link.

Also, what's with the reply? Gnome clearly upset you deeply enough to want to take a break from gaming. Offering support is what friends do.
TurtleShroom 17 Feb @ 12:26pm 
If you're ever frustrated or need someone to talk to, you can always come to me or James. I will pray for you.
TurtleShroom 17 Feb @ 12:25pm 
Don't let Gnome get you down, Bertarian. He's a fool and has no idea about your life or what's been done to you be the Woke mob and your own countryk, where free speech does not exist.

Also, Trump is going to lose to Biden. I hope with every fiber of my being that he'll win, but he absolutely CANNOT defeat the propaganda machine defending Joe's failures. Joe Biden can;'t campaign, but the media can control and censor the narrative so that people don't know the truth.

Also, don't go down the MUH JOOZ hole with that [them] crap. I have never met a ZOG conspiracist that has known happiness; they are some of the most miserable people on the planet.

This said, it is absolutely good to take a break. I wish you well and will pray for you. (Don't dance with Satan and his "Shakric energy". Shakti is a pagan """goddess"", that is, a demon, in Hinduism.)
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 11:44am 
How about a nice game of chess IRL?
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 11:34am 
I'm gonna take a hiatus from steam and gaming. Probably until orange man is in charge again. The only ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ adult in the room as it seems. I'd take Camacho over some fried ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, tbh. FJB

I have no interest in being a propaganda tool either way, so I'm bailing and enveloping myself in shakric energy, lol. Lift that ♥♥♥♥, rip and tear. Make up your own mind, my American friends. You know what to do. Theres always a second choice beyond the uniparty. That would be walking away in unison like it happened before in history and leaving (((them))) to their empire of dirt but what do I know. Very unlikely to happen. But if you wanna put everything on black/blue, do that. Accelerate. I welcome the outcome.

So best of luck and see you around.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 11:03am 
We're done with the psycho games for now. Cope, mald and seethe as the kids say. Do not care.
Perturbed Pendejo 17 Feb @ 10:43am 
@Pyro Gnome: Define "Wrong". Mayhaps you meant to say Wrong-think.
TurtleShroom 13 Feb @ 9:27am 
@Pyro Gnome

Bertarian lives in a country without free speech, where you can get jailed for saying something that offends a person or offends the government.

If you knew anything about Bertarian or what he went through in his home country, you would understand why he is like this, and why he is so emphatic about saying whatever the heck he wants. That hardship and the fear it caused is what radicalized him and, frankly, I completely understand why it did.
Pyro Gnome 12 Feb @ 10:58pm 
What a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scumbag. Grow up. You represent everything wrong with the world, all at once. Truly amazing.
Perturbed Pendejo 11 Feb @ 10:20am 
B U L L S H I T !
Perturbed Pendejo 11 Feb @ 10:19am 
These miserable ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ artists...
Gray Matter Guerrilla 11 Feb @ 10:13am 
We all know what they mean by 'harm' and 'threat'. :steamfacepalm:
Perturbed Pendejo 11 Feb @ 7:57am 
"...identify threats and reduce the harm online content can cause." - Define "harm" out of your motte pls, thx. "Threat" to whom exactly?
Perturbed Pendejo 11 Feb @ 7:55am 
Check this out:

They're behind censoring your speech. I wouldn't be surprised if they delivered data to steam et al on what to "sanitize".
Perturbed Pendejo 11 Feb @ 7:48am 
It's weird how steam's politkommissar AI doesn't pick up on this link... almost as if i was shadow banned. Weird, wEiRd.