
treegyn の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 55.5 時間 (レビュー時に46.0時間)
This game is crack for my adhd brain
投稿日 2023年7月27日.
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記録時間: 2.6 時間
this game has aged terribly, though it is cool getting to experience one of the pioneers of rtwp. is the idea of bg2 intriguing? sure. is it worth playing in 2023? absolutely not.
投稿日 2023年7月15日. 最終更新日 2023年7月15日
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 105.4 時間
This game is a masterpiece - one that captured me from the start and turned out to be even more of a delight than dos2. You could say that the first ten hours start out slow and that the music lacks variety, but those are its biggest flaws imo.

Pillars of Eternity II is a phenomenal isometric crpg that is perfect as is. Admittedly poe2 isn't as visually stunning as dos2, but it takes a more humble, home-y approach with its immersive 2-D world, which is still massive. I actually find the 2-D world preferable because sometimes with 3-D worlds like dos2, sometimes there's a bit too much going on and almost too many visual details, making it difficult to see what you're looking at.

Exploration in pillars feels highly rewarding. Definitely one of those games that'll have you saying "just one more thing" and then you find yourself lost in a dungeon that takes you through three more dungeons. Excellent story writing, world-building, and tons of lore (yes pillars is text-heavy - what else did you expect?). Another thing, the dual class system is remarkable and allows for more possibilities than dos2 without being complicated. Did I mention that it's pirate themed?

I'm a slut for rtwp so I LOVE that the player can choose between rtwp or turn-based combat. As someone who plays a ton of turn-based games and rpgs in general, I find rtwp refreshing bc I understand how the tb grind inevitably get tiring after awhile, no matter how stellar the game is. In pillars, the combat never felt like a chore, which I feel says *a lot* for games within the crpg or jrpg genre.

At 105 hours, I still have not completed the game. I purchased the dlc around 95 hours and as a completionist, plan to experience as much as I can before completing this playthrough. I already can't wait to revisit this game again in the distant future because it's worthy of being played more than just once. Overall, an absolute must-try for rpg fans.
投稿日 2023年6月6日. 最終更新日 2023年7月19日
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