Hikka Tyan   Jurm, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
➜ The Global Elite: ✔
Kirjautunut ulos
1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
1411 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
👄 𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘢 🤤 19.5.2020 klo 21.34 
ٿ It
💛 ¤ don't
🏀🚙 ß mean
📘🎽🔋 ✈ a
📕🎁⚡💄 ✤ THING
🐊🍆🌋🎫👃 ❂ if
🥗🌏📀📕💚👑 ♡ you
🍇🌳🎈👾🍖🥒👳 ☀ ain't
👃🌂🎫🐛👔🐠🎍🥞 ♀ got
💙👽📀🏀📗💃👑🐟🚘 ☼ that SWING!!
👠 Clementine 6.2.2019 klo 1.49 
📘 -- 🔋 -- 💗 -- 🎁 -- 👑 -- 🍖 -- 🎽 -- 🥗 -- 📗 -- 👃 -- 👾 -- 💃 -- 💚 -- 📕 -- 💙
Be valiant, but not too venturous.
Let thy attire be comely, but not costly.
-- John Lyly

Fifty flippant frogs
Walked by on flippered feet
And with their slime they made the time
Unnaturally fleet.

One good thing about music,
Well, it helps you feel no pain.
So hit me with music;
Hit me with music now.
-- Bob Marley, "Trenchtown Rock"

🐝 -- 🍧 -- 📒 -- 🎈 -- 🚙 -- 📀 -- 🚗 -- 🎫 -- 👽 -- 🐊 -- 🍇 -- 🌋 -- 📒 -- 💛 -- 💙
Nsay 16.8.2016 klo 4.35 
YNZE 15.8.2016 klo 23.57 
OG 1.8.2016 klo 19.02 
vac soon . bhop script level : 1000

saddysAFSHJDFSHDASJHF 28.7.2016 klo 21.01 
+rep zashimatornagibator