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203.2 hrs on record (77.6 hrs at review time)
Not yet
Posted 27 May, 2020.
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19.6 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Tx Hi-Rez for saving me 60 bucks :D
Posted 20 October, 2016.
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546.8 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
R6 Siege, it is such a innovative multipalyer that can encourage both PC and Console Gamers to work together as a team to achieve a goal. The game look graphically good and mechanics are just really polished, this game encourages you to be as tactical as possible and be as helpful as you are to the team. The game does not allow you to jion competitive mode until rank 20, this might have been implemented such that when you reach rank 20, amajority of the classes have been unlocked, thus choosing a class that can help out your teamate as much as you can. The map is dynamic and can come out with different outcomes. Developers try to make the match each round different by placing bomb locations (maybe cameras). Good effort but it has always been a bit too easy to find the bomb. The game also has different guns for different classes, in my opinion this sometimes can be a bit weird as a support class would be using a SMG when they are usually paired with LMGs. Other than that the game is extremely polished but it still puts it to a hefty price tag considering they are only 10 maps and no campaign. I highy recommend this game only if you get for a discount which i did.
Posted 23 February, 2016.
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30.0 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
The Tomb Raider Sequel that i had longed been waiting for, and i can tell you that it is a awesome game. Although i have not finsihed the game, it felt so good, the graphics, the plot and mechanics all jsut blend in so well. The problem is the framerate. The game often gives me many insane stutters dropping as low as 3fps for 3 secs. I actually found that medium preset with 16x Anstropic filtiring gave me a pretty smooth framerate. i suggest that you hardware must run at least around 40-50fps constantly in order to prevent stuttering.
Posted 5 February, 2016.
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45.2 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Maybe its too early to review this game now, but i whole hearted;y reccomend this game to any zomie fan and any person who likes constant fast paced action. The game's mechanics are pretty solid and thanks to the updates the performance of the game is pretty good, plus the game looks beautiful. This game also offers alot of content for your money, i would reccomend you getting it during the discount like how i got it for SGD$35.50 which is roughly $28USD which is extreme good value especially when the games replayablility is so high having so many missions. i wont rate this game because its simply too early, but if you are a mega zombie fan, i highly reccomend this game
Posted 3 November, 2015.
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4,474.1 hrs on record (403.1 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
The game is the game that defines pc gaming, the reason why mouse and keyboard is more superior, the reason why pc gaming has always been competetive, It is because of CSGO. This game is very balanced and there are many different type of weapons to chooses from ranging from short range to long range weaponary. The game is balanced not beacause each gun is fair to use, but it is because that the team who is playing can think many strategic ways to reduce the enemy tean's cash in order to get more cash and get better weapons to take advantage of that situation. the cons of the game that the game doesnt have many maps to play on. But then again, the game at most only SGD$15 so i can't complain about that. Overall the game is very fun and is a must own, it is essential for PC gamers
Posted 21 October, 2015.
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24.1 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Ark survival evolve is a very fun game, The game is basicaly sometthing like minecraft where you are given the nessarry things that you need to craft other things (your hands in this instance), and the game really feels like a polished version of minecraft. The graphics in the game are great, and in addition to that, you can tame dinosaurs, which is a great addition to enhance this genre. The game also features multiplayer which was extremely fun to be playing with other people especially with friends. right now the game is ony SGD$29, which is a great price if you ask me, buying this game feels a game that is worth hundreds of dollars compared to buying another COD game. Now the cons, the game runs like a piece of ♥♥♥♥, the game has once already had a performance patch, but the performance is'nt desirable. Games like Battlefield and Crysis has great graphics, and the performance is'nt that bad, Last but not least, the game requires you to level up in order to unlock another item, i know that it is likely that you can get the best items at the best level, but i mean why put a level to unlock items, that's just stupid, and i also hate the fact the there is a skill base system for character stats, i mean that's annoying as hell when another person has higher stats than you and keep killing you whenever he finsds you. Overall i feel that this game has alot value and is worth your money, but the game has poor performance and needs more optimization. I'll give this game a 8/10
Posted 21 October, 2015.
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20.1 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
Ok, let me view this game when it was first rerleased in 2004, let me tell you that this game is really fun, the mechanics in the game are topnotch, and the this is one of the games that really rely on a human's thinking in order to complete a certain task, its not just simply run and gun such as shooters like Battlefield and COD. Now this game really falls apart in the story, everything is good until you release that the story is really nothing too special, sure the world in Half life was amazing, but there was'nt enough effort put in to enhance the story in my opinion. Compare this to the Halo franchise, halo really succeeds in stroy telling, i think that halo still has the most interesting universe even till today. Half life falls apart in story telling, you would just stop and certain areas, meet up with the good guys, take out more bad guys, thats basically what you are going to expect in hal life 2. i did'nt think that half life 2 didnt really deserve the honour for being one of the best games, sure it has great graphics at the time, sure the mechanics in the game are awesome, but i thougth that it needed more stories to be told along the way, like in halo, where Cortana is always following around the Master Chief, sometimes talking about things that happened to the past when refferig to something. And what idont get why Gordon Freeman was being starred again in this game, in the first game your main objective is to tell what happenedy in the Black Mesa facility, you just wanted to tell people to get as far away from the place, he was'nt really the best person to be picked in my opinion, i mean they could have hired a voice actor to voice out Gordon, its really weird to be extremely silent when throughout the game, people would just remember you as saving the world, and it would be really weird that you just being silent about it, they needed a voice actor. Lastly, the ending, THAT ENDIng sucks, i mean they needed a much better ending, and i dont see that being reffered to in the reviews. Why? Because half life is the best game? HELL NO. The games's story was already bad, and the ending just realy shows how rush the game felt. Overall the game has one of the most fun and topnotch game mechanics and would reccomend buying it, but if ou really expect to get alot of exposition in this game, you dont here. i give this game a 7/10
Posted 14 October, 2015.
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51.9 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Dishonored is a very awesome fps game. The game is extremely polished and gameplay is exellent. The only complaints are that there is no multiplayer and the graphics in the game don't look so next gen. Otherwise you are looking at a game that has great replayability value and is worth your money
Posted 24 June, 2015.
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13.9 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
COD AW is the sequel to the horrible COD ghost. This game does not feell new, instead it feels like any other call of duty game with better grahics. This time however, we are introduced with jetpacks and exo abilities/movement. The gameplay is pretty good and i enjoyed most parts of the game. However, the game's story is very boring and extremely predictable. multiplayer as per usual has no dedicated servers which will cause lag and more hackers. The only reason you would want to buy this is probabaly because you've never touched the COD franchise for a long time, or you are just curious about what the is like. If you're looking for something new, COD AW does not offer it and it is not worth a buy
Posted 24 June, 2015.
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