Cintia Mariel
Cuando la vida te da la espalda, tocale el culo.
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Revolver Ocelot 21 Sep, 2023 @ 4:11am 
Revolver Ocelot 7 Sep, 2023 @ 3:37am 
tommytambor more like 🅱intia
kiahisafxck 18 Jul, 2023 @ 3:54am 
Revolver Ocelot 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:21pm 
Bwuh, Awgentina is witewawwy fake. Theiw accent sounds wike the Itawian accent when they speak Spanish, and it's been scientificawvwy pwoven that aww citizens of Awgentina have been paid by the Itawian govewnment to pwetend the countwy of Awgentina is weaw. They aww had to study Spanish fow about a 5 yeaw pewiod befowehand, and then they awe sent to undisCWosed wocations in Itawy and pwetend that the countwy of Awgentina is a weaw countwy and that it has weaw peopwe. If you twy to twavew to Awgentina, the US govewnment wiww make it seem weaw at fiwst, but as soon as youw fwight takes off, you wiww be sent to somewhewe in the middwe of the nowhewe and nevew come back. Keep in mind, this has aww been pwoven SCIENTIFICAWWY! f you don't bewieve me, you can wook it up onwine. If you go to the Govewnment of Awgentina's website and seawch fow Itawy, nothing wiww come up. You know why? Because they don't want you to know what they'we weawwy doing. Awgentina is fake, and it's the twuth.
Revolver Ocelot 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:20pm 
Bruh, Argentina is literally fake. Their accent sounds like the Italian accent when they speak Spanish, and its been scientifically proven that all citizens of Argentina have been paid by the Italian government to pretend the country of Argentina is real. They all had to study Spanish for about a 5 year period beforehand, and then they are sent to undisclosed locations in Italy and pretend that the country of Argentina is a real country and that it has real people. If you try to travel to Argentina, the US government will make it seem real at first, but as soon as your flight takes off, you will be sent to somewhere in the middle of the nowhere and never come back. Keep in mind, this has all been proven SCIENTIFICALLY! If you don't believe me, you can look it up online. If you go to the Government of Argentina's website and search for Italy, nothing will come up. You know why? Because they don't want you to know what they're really doing. Argentina is fake, and it's the truth.
Revolver Ocelot 26 Nov, 2022 @ 10:39pm 