
28/06/2024 (Please read this if you're a friend/acquaintance)
Hi. We are sorry to inform you that the original owner of this account has passed away in December 2017. In a sort of an informally written will (but pertains to a digital record nonetheless), he entrusted this account to us, his friends IRL. Several login sessions recorded past 2017 were not made by him, but us instead, and at the time up until now, none of us thought to edit his profile summary so that every online acquaintances is informed of this unfortunate news. Collectively, we, his friends, agreed that it is okay to play the content of this account's library in memory of him as long as we keep everything as it was back then (profile summary, custom URL, mods, save files, etc).

Please, if you, one way or another, was acquainted with him, kindly send us a message to say hi/tell us how you met him/how is it being friends with him. That would mean a lot to us. We hope you have a great day!

As some may already know, the original owner is from Indonesia, and the message below is an Indonesian instruction to translate the message to whoever having trouble reading it.
Pesan diatas adalah informasi mengenai pemilik asli dari akun ini. Bagi kalian yang merasa berkawan dengan pemilik asli dan kesulitan untuk membaca pesan diatas, silakan terjemahkan saja pesannya.
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76561198200110909 23 Sep, 2017 @ 7:46am 
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