xyph x)
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Inactive and washed :/

⠀RDYUP season 1: elo stealerz 2nd / £200
⠀ESEA Main s27: Team Descend
⠀ESEA Main s28: Cryptick Gaming
⠀ESEA Main s29: Osterity
⠀ESEA Main s29: Fierce Esports 3rd / £1410
⠀ESEA Advanced s30: ex-Fierce Esports
⠀Grosvenor Online Qualifier #1: Revelation Gaming 1st / £250

⠀Meltdown London: Revelation Gaming 1st / £170
⠀Insomnia 61: Revelation Gaming
⠀Epic LAN 23: Grouped CeX
⠀Insomnia 62: Jon's Cat
⠀Insomnia 63: Team monkaS 13th / £350
⠀Epic LAN 25: Osterity
⠀Grosvenor - Nottingham: Bedsnaps

Teams / Mixes:
⠀Revelation Gaming (ScYph, LeMoN, Distracted, FRENZIED, FATAL)
⠀Vortex Gaming (ScYph, Nasty, AUGUSt, HUNSKELPER, Robinson)
⠀elo stealerz (ScYph, Leaf, JamesBT, Cynic, zulu, Sniffle, St4n3rRz)
⠀Grouped CeX (ScYph, LeLewk, Revilo*, Cynic, Samplify)
⠀Jon's Cat (ScYph, LeLewk, Cynic, Walter, FiTZYr)
⠀Team Descend (ScYph, Nasty, AUGUSt, Jayski, JKyy, Voicefulspace5)
⠀Cryptick Gaming (xyph, AndrewIsGod, Req, Fisher, Broda)
⠀Its ok (xyph, AndrewIsGod, Req, Wardz, vhL, socN, gravityy, hudzg)
⠀Team monkaS (xyph, Leaf, Hawk-, Jsav, K4rly)
⠀Osterity (xyph, archer, Karma, Dylan, SteMpy, Miixer)
⠀Fierce Esports (xyph, yura, em1n, hype, fzan)
⠀ex-Fierce Esports (xyph, em1n, hype, kpiz, Wh1sk)
⠀Bedsnaps (xyph, pickles, shoobie, Hawkseye, xacty)
⠀Revelation Gaming (xyph, Russ, Hawk-, Jsav, hype)
Zikael 4 aug, 2023 @ 10:22 
PARIS 1 mar, 2023 @ 7:13 
added about the titan katoiwce sticker
woe<3 11 mar, 2022 @ 17:51 
lets play retakes
Gilb0 27 jul, 2021 @ 16:55 
Mezisho 7 maj, 2021 @ 15:09 
yo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together
woe<3 24 apr, 2021 @ 13:08 
miss u