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I found an ancient porn magazine, and it was so filthy that the Population Growth rate rised 50% across the Galaxy (all species included). Would find space porn again....
Postat 25 noiembrie 2014. Editat ultima dată 25 noiembrie 2014.
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35.9 ore înregistrate (5.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Every negative review is about the graphics...come on guys, you played like 0.8 hours of an entire Final Fantasy game, and you already give it a bad review, just because it's not 1080p? I mean, they should have put some graphics settings in there, but well...I still enjoy the gameplay. I played this back on the X360, played the sequel on PS3...so I think I am capable of reviewing the other stuff too...like the story is decent, not great, it's still the weakest game in the trilogy, but the characters are what make this soup delicios.....Lightning is one my all-time best videogame character

If you don't like japanes-styled games, then DON'T BUY this game, even if you enjoy a great story, narrative, and so on...this is just not for everyone...

And to the old-timer Final-Fantasy fans....just shut up, this game can hold on it's own, it has a new battle system, which I really enjoy, i hate why you hate it...but come on...there are two groups of FF fans, those who want every single game to be like FFVII or FFX, and those who want somethung new now and then...this game is for the altter....

So far I would recommend rhis game, and for 13eu....THIS IS A GRAB! If you are really that graphic-ego-maniac, than wait for a sale, I'm sure that you can grab this game in under 5eu on the next X-mas sale....
Postat 9 octombrie 2014.
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I only played it for a couple of hours, and I have to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GAME! IMO the best tower-defense game that is out there, with a little twist. You don't have any actual 'towers', you have characters, who gain xp, level up, you equip them with weapons and armor, and manage their skill trees. There is 5 difficulty level for every encounter and there is also a game+ mode if you finish the game, which means a lot of replay value :)

This game wasn't even on my wishlist. If it weren't for the -90% steam sale,I would totally miss this gem. And I am already awaiting the sequel...
Postat 26 ianuarie 2014. Editat ultima dată 26 ianuarie 2014.
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4.1 ore înregistrate
Ez a játék nem viccel, kívülről egy kislányos animés akárminek tűnik, de egy kis időt eltöltve vele....enyhén szólva bassza meg de jó :D Lényegében egy királynővel vagyunk a koronázása előtt és a nagy napig képeznünk kell magunkat, pl. stratégiából, vívás, diplomácia, kémkedés...van vagy 42 képesség, és mindre szükségünk van!.... e közben történnek dolgok, pl. lázadás tör ki a szomszéd hercegségben és döntened kell, hogy diplomáciai úton vagy háborúval akarod mindezt megoldani. Én a háborút választottam, mivel elég hamar a katonai képzésre mentem rá, majd egy kis gazdaságot és fegyverszakértelmet tanultam, eközben meg voltak bálok meg nyílvános fellépések ahol egyáltalán nem szerepeltem jól, így az ellenlábasaim ebből azt szúrták le, hogy gyenge vagyok, hiába voltam kitűnő stratéga és kardforgató amikor az előbb említett háború legyőzött hercegének a bosszúszomjas fattyja megjelenik és hátba szúr....vagy már le is nyilaztak, megmérgeztek, stb....a látszat ellenére ez egy nagyon jó játék, ahol akár Dark Soulsban vagy éppen az XCOMban is a saját hibáidból tanulsz...
Postat 29 decembrie 2013.
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36.6 ore înregistrate (27.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Great,just 4,99eu to upgrade the original. The Boss Battles are more complex, but than again I did not have the feel to play them that way....and I finally I played The Missing Link too :) Great addition to the game....and the DC is more optimized, has slightly better graphics...
Postat 19 noiembrie 2013.
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18.8 ore înregistrate (15.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
It's simple to play with, but also complex to understand...somehow I love it :)
Postat 19 noiembrie 2013.
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1.4 ore înregistrate
Ezt mindenkinek ajánlom, főleg most, ilyen ár mellett, full magyar szinkron, és a játék is valami elképesztően gyönyörű lett, mint vizuálisan, mint játékélményben. Támogassuk a magyar fejlesztőket :)
Postat 9 decembrie 2012.
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12.3 ore înregistrate (12.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
One of the best stealth-rpg of all-time......well, if you want you can play it also as an action game, that's the beauty of Deus Ex, you play as you want it to play :)
Postat 9 decembrie 2012.
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52.9 ore înregistrate
Da best of FPS/RPG 4 EVA :D
Postat 28 decembrie 2011.
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8.6 ore înregistrate
Love to kill orcs! Great tower defense with great humour. I only can recommend it to everyone!
Postat 2 decembrie 2011.
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