Nathan   Michigan, United States
Currently Online
Chigs 17 Mar, 2024 @ 2:22pm 
hey so wike i think uw weawwy nice and uw wike supew hot and we shouwd wike totawwy hang out and i think uw weawwy coow and wike i wike you a wot and uw supew cute and i think uw wike weawwy nice and wike i wike you a wot and since i wike you i think we shouwd tawk some mowe and it wouwd wike make us wike supew cwose and then we can get mawwied and wike have kids and wike we wiww be supew happy togethew and ouw kids awe gonna be so cute and wike it wouwd just be amazing and i think it wouwd be supew cute and then ouw kids wouwd gwow up and have kids and then they wouwd have kids and then u wouwd be a gwandma and then evewything is nice and coow and totawwy awesome and wike it wouwd be so nice and wike i think uw supew hot and wike it's coow and sometimes it's ok to be coow and wike i think uw so hot and i think we shouwd get mawwied and stuff and wike have kids and wike it wouwd be amaaaZzzinggg and wike i think we shouwd wike totawwy be fwiends and stuff and it's wike
Chigs 20 Jul, 2019 @ 7:59pm 
My grandmother was fatally ill with terminal aids in the ass and in her final moments she watched me play Mordhau and this guy was hacking. RIP Gma 1935-2019
tropSolo 12 Nov, 2016 @ 9:32pm 
daddy ♥♥♥♥