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Скорошни рецензии на Tielo(TLO)

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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
12.8 изиграни часа (3.0 часа по време на рецензията)
I thought "why not?" and regretted it.

I spent a day "playing" this game, but it is a typical waste your life away waiting to do anything unless you pay through your nose kind of game.

I don't mind waiting, just close the game, come back a few hours later to collect stuff and etc like fallout shelter, but Fallout Shelter is an actual game you can make progress with without paying money. Not to mention the only way to "quit" the game isn't the "quit" button in the menu, 'cause that button doesn't even work!

Also, came back to the game today, lost a bunch of progress, lost a girl I unlocked, a bunch of things I got from crates and the nanites paid for the crates are still gone. So I paid for crates, got a new girl and did some stuff for no reason because the girl is gone the stuff is gone and so are the nanites.

Not worth the time, or money.

I'd love to see more games like this and Fallout Shelter but without the micro-transaction crap. It is an interesting concept that could benefit form a core game then pay for expansions or even possibly a season pass, some transaction elements but not to ridiculous levels. But I guess all that people care about these days is milking people for as much money as possible. Very disappointing.
Публикувана 26 юни 2022.
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