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Análises recentes de ScarletDuke

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1.6 horas registradas
There are a lot of 'arty' games out there, but this is an art game done right. No hidden messages, no obtuse pretentiousness. Just a story, and a general commentary on the nature of existence, told in an abstract form. Through the dreams of one woman recovering from a terrible car accident.

What I love about it is that I understand it. It doesn't try to hide what it's trying to say, unlike Braid and Antichamber.

Navigation is a bit confusing and that might put some people off. But I liked it.

My only real complaint about this game is that it's too short. But saying there should be more of it is a pretty crap complaint!

All the great games are too short. They should all go on forever!

But in all seriousness, I would have prefered an extra level or two, or perhaps a sequel of some sort.

Anyway, it's fantastic, and I highly recommend it. Though seven bucks might be over paying given its length. You might want to wait for the next Steam sale.
Publicada em 24 de julho de 2013.
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