Moth Andromed
Ace of SeafoodOtokomizu   United States
🖐🏻🤝🏼👁Will you hApPeN upon my mind f_ck of a life's work; making music with a chronic pain disability? Will Uu FIND ThE OTHERS THr0Ugh me.I dont know you but I universally love ALL LIFE.🤳🏻Search "Harry_Mitch"👋🏻OR⚰Monolith Pilgrim♒ on SOUNDCLOUD •COM entity to entity find me.listen and share..or tell me how to start a patreon because I'm too sick to record right now or seek treatment. iiim stuck :steambored:
Gaming freinds wise choose LOVE, and FUN over salt piles!
😱love your spirit you laungiage reader you😍:steamsalty: :coolthulhu::nbOcto:
Need feedback!✌🏾👁✌🏻👁✌🏻👁✌🏻👁✌🏻👁✌🏻👁🖐🏿If I ever get money I'll fulfill everyone's steam wishlist who was nice to me once I become Meriking (king of Northen merLica) 🤝
Wo Yao Da
Copycat 28 Feb, 2018 @ 5:57pm 
Hahaha glad I was able to help. :D It's a very good series in my opinion.