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Do you like ARPG's? Diablo 3 , Grim Dawn, Warhammer etc. This is just as good, best 8 bucks every spent.
Diposting pada 5 Juli 2018.
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Tercatat 1.5 jam
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I was super excited to finally have an MMO to play, since I left ESO about a year ago after logging about 1100 hours, enjoyed the game just not enough end game and I had done mostly everything.
Watched videos/streams and decided to get the deluxe pack, downloaded it on the 28th since I was off work for
Memorial Day, took at least a dozen times being stuck on the loading screen no biggie since I have played tons
of MMO's on launch day, so I knew what to expect.
Finally got in and made a toon and got in game, that's where it showed it's true colors, no action combat except one
class? of course not the class I was trying, terrible story with fetch quests, ugly UI with no customization, chat window
was not up to par, graphics completely sub-par, founders stuff mostly not account wide at least ESO was fair.
This is not EA since the game is complete, just not for the NA market.
Save your money and wait this one out, might be ok later on but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Diposting pada 29 Mei 2018.
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Tercatat 12.1 jam
I wanted to wait til Willy-Nilly Knight was release and I have some hours under my belt to post a review.
It is a single player top down RPG made by a small indie studio who put a lot of love into the game.
Combat is turn based, not unfair and done rather well, you level up different skills and stats, get armour
and weapon upgrades from combat,crates or quest rewards
Pretty standard fare, but it just has a certain charm to it and alot of funny humor.
Graphics look good and the soundtrack is on point.
At it's price point it's a steal, hidden gem, glad I found it.
Diposting pada 12 November 2017.
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Tercatat 7.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I picked this up during the Steam sale because I never finished it on Xbone back in the day.
Sure glad I did, graphics of course are dated but not that bad, but the gameplay is solid as
ever,just a great classic game with a top notch story.
Almost worth it at full price,but on sale it's a no brainer.
Diposting pada 14 Juli 2017.
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Tercatat 114.2 jam
This game use to be run by Webzen but the population was so low the server shut down, now it was acquired by Move Games who haven't learned a thing from the past. New players do yourself a favor and didn't invest time into this P2W
mess of an MMO, if this had been run right,even with a small sub or just cosmetic items for sale in the in game store,maybe
it would have had a chance, I give this another month, two tops before we see another server shut down. To many exploits
and poor customer support in the beginning set this on a path to failure.
Diposting pada 10 Juni 2017.
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Tercatat 9.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
My general rule of thumb is trying to aim for $1 per hour or more is a good value in my book. That's another reason I play a lot of MMOs; first because I really enjoy the genre, but also the gameplay time versus the money spent make them a good value.

Rime has no talking or fighting and at heart is an adventure game where you solve puzzles to advance, also collecting (stuff) collectibles along the way. The controls are good with a controller, the soundtrack is beautiful, and the graphics pleasing. But the emotions it evokes are awesome, from awe to awesome.

I believe I will have between 10-15 hours in the game, because it took a friend about the same time. I picked up the game for about $24 with the pre-order and my 10% off for being a humble bundle monthy sub member. In my opinion worth every dollar, for me that's saying a lot! Hats off to the devs; you got something really special here and also thanks for developing this awesome game to experience.

About 6 hours in starting the 3rd chapter, I believe there is 4,so for me 10-12 hours plus more time to get all the collectibles, if will vary per person,but honestly with this game it's about the journey and oh buddy what a ride it's been, would have been happy to pay full price to support dev's like this (seriously).
Diposting pada 28 Mei 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 11 Juni 2017.
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Tercatat 14.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 12.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I should have picked this up a week ago, the problems like full screen worked for me and the mouse curser on the screen sometimes is any easy fix, but what you get in return is simply amazing game (unlike any I have played before) great soundtrack, smart systems for combat, great story. Looks good and supports 2560 x1440 resolution on my monitor @60fps, and 60 is fine.Do yourself a favor and if you can afford it pick it up it's a real gem.
Diposting pada 24 Maret 2017.
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Tercatat 13.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
When I first saw Earthlock I was like this likes kinda cool, so I read up on it before it came out,liked what I read and the pictures of the game too.I checked back on the game's forums every few days to find out about updates and what people were talking about.Then it was delayed for about 3 weeks give or take, at this point I was skeptical and to be honest a little upset I wasn't playing it yet.
When it did come out I checked reviews which were mixed and saw the thirty dollar price tag, well that being the case I put it on my wishlist for a sale, fast forward maybe 6 weeks and I find it on Humble Bundle for under twenty with better reviews on Steam.

I picked it up and glad I did because it is a hidden gem of a game, in part also because my friend Saibot wrote a good review and I respect his opinion since we like similiar game/genre.

Pros: Combat is easy to understand but harder to master and includes building up each toon differently but working as a
Graphics are really nice and fit the game perfectly - Fredrik Dahl - Concept Artist, great job Sir!
Soundtrack and game sounds are well done and again fit the game.
Story is not super detailed but solid and interesting.
Characters pull you in and are relatable.
Cons:The text is not perfect, but easy to understand, remember they are a small studio from Oslo, Norway, English isn't
thier first language.
Price is a little high but they do have to make a living - at twenty they would have sold more copies off the bat.
All in all a really good RPG here from a small studio who is passionate about the game and put their hearts into
Twenty to Thirty plus hours to complete depending if you are speed racer or just cruisin.
Well Done Snowcastle Games

Diposting pada 29 Desember 2016.
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Tercatat 12.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
Book of Demons is a well thought out concept that is equally executed.
It's kinda like paper mario in the design only, it works kinda like a fold out card.
An action arpg the follows a linear course, but that doesn't feel strange or limiting.
It works off a card based spells,buffs,etc system.
This is early access done right and I usually never buy early access, glad i did with this title.
Diposting pada 28 Juli 2016.
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Tercatat 0.5 jam
Way back in the day when I ownd a PS3 I enjoyed Insomniac Games titles, so I saw this and said let's check this out.
Followed the game on the forums for a week, since there was no launch discount.
Didn't see huge sales or a ton of reviews.
Most of the negative were based on controls.
I like underwater games and thought maybe those folks just didn't have a lot of experience with said games. I was wrong.
It's like the controls are made to be hard and wonky,that's not the correct way to make your game hard.
What could have been a good game,beautiful graphics on 2k instead feels more like a chore.
I refunded until it's fixed which I doubt it will be,shame really.
Diposting pada 15 Juli 2016.
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