SLAYER: Aaron Sim
Mikael   Los Angeles, California, United States
:steamsalty:Veni, Vidi, Vici

The Saltiest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on steam :steamsalty:
Currently Offline
Enter Mike.

I mostly refuse to add people with private profiles, like dude, what the ♥♥♥♥ are you hiding? There is nothing important that one needs to hide on a steam profile. Look at me, I got banned once for creating modded lobbies in Modern Warfare 2 and it still isn't private :csgoct::steambored:

:steamsalty: TRADING

Dont try to scam me, i have a brain . Make "funny" trade offers and deal with a block

:steamsalty: GAMING BUDDIES

Sure buddy! I would LOVE to play games with new friends / people. Psych! No I don't. But I wouldn't mind going a couple rounds to see what kind of person you are. #saltylife :steamsalty:

:steamsalty: TV SHOWS

Favourite shows that I've watched and are currently watching.
:csgoct: Ballers (Ongoing) - 7 / 10
:csgoct: The Big Bang Theory (Completed) - 9.5 / 10
:csgoct: Royal Pains (Completed) - 7.5 / 10
:csgoct: Game of Thrones (Ongoing) - 7 / 10
:csgoct: Suits (Ongoing) - 9 / 10
:csgoct: Friends (Completed) - 9 / 10
:csgoct: One Tree Hill (Completed) - 8 / 10
:csgoct: Beauty & The Beast (Ongoing) - 7 / 10
:csgoct: Smallville (Completed) - 6.5 / 10
:csgoct: The Flash (Ongoing) - 7 / 10
:csgoct: Arrrow (Ongoing) - 6.9 / 10

:steamsalty: THATS ALL FOLKS
If you enjoyed your stay, dont forget to drop a comment in the comment section below. Just kidding get the ♥♥♥♥ off my screen :steammocking: