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Скорошни рецензии на The Major Gear

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1,346.1 изиграни часа (475.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Pros: The game is well-balanced. Every player has the chance to do their part no matter which character they choose. It's easy to find and join MP games, and the community is on the whole pretty nice to deal with. Teamwork is essential in this game. I like how players will risk their lives for each other. Sometimes you go back to help someone and you get killed, but no person left behind is a good policy.

No micro-transactions or in-game store items. You want something , you gotta go get it. Just like life!

Cons: It's difficult to get microphones working. The workshop items can be pretty buggy and make the game crash. Keyboard settings often get reset when you start the game, no matter how many .cfg files you edit.

Overrally, this is my go-to game that I can slip on like an old pair of shoes and start killing zombies. The teamwork feature of the game is amazing. I can't wait for Left 4 Dead 3.
Публикувана 13 юни 2022.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
16.2 изиграни часа (7.6 часа по време на рецензията)
* Pretty levels that remind me of Planet of the Apes ( the originals ) with vibrance turned up to 11. You could compare them to The Last of Us outdoor areas as well.
* Combat - it's fun to take on foes. You can chose different strategies to take or your foes. Ranged attack , melee attack. Take them all on at once or divide and conquer.
* Story - there is enough of a story here to convince you that moving forward is worth it. There is even a bit of character development through watching FMV's, but don't expect too much!
* No politics - Unlike many games that have some out in the last 2 years, this game doesn't have an agent or narrative that it wants to shove in your face. It's a a fun and entertaining adventure. It doesn't even mention any if the character's race/religions/sexual orientation because it knows it's a game. Games are escapes from reality.

Graphic - The graphics are a bit dated.
Bugs - There were some intances where I got stuck on the environment. I've gotten stuck when trying to jump down stairs. And also got stuck when trying to use a rock for cover. The only fix was to restart from last checkpoint.

* Collectibles - One one hand it can be fun to search for collectibles, if that is your thing. On the other hand, sometimes you won't see the orbs until you are at a point where you can't go back to get them. This has happened to me on several occasions where I see orbs and cannot backtrace to get them.
* The camera field of view isn't consistent. Sometimes you can move the camera to view all around you, sometime you can barely move it to try to see what is around you.
* Difficulty - It seems to vary a bit. In some encounters you may feel unstoppable. In others you will die several times in a row before you find a strategy that works.

I highly recommend this game, despite it's flaws. I feel that it's better Buy now.
Публикувана 5 юни 2021.
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