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投稿日: 2021年5月15日 6時42分
更新日: 2021年5月15日 6時44分

I won't make a long review because I think it's not worth my time.

Last time there has been news posts on this game was last year and this should give you a hint that playing this is not a great idea.

Most of the game has been translated, so the complaints about being in Russian are almost invalid. To me the problem was that getting in-game currency was way too slow, because there are mostly vets only, the auction house is filled with expensive stuff, and leveling up and gathering resources is way too slow. This means that the most attractive factor they advertise, like RPG elements (points in Str, Luk, etc) are hard to notice and crafting (build new gear, but you get stuff too slowly).

Also, they said about a welcoming community that replied in English and within hours no one answered none of my questions.

You can do lots of quests do get some money and resources but the rewards are quite underwhelming and are very hard for new players to get. I got a total of around 100coins during my gameplay because I had other stuff to do so I didn't have time to repeat the "big" coin mission too often, then broke my "leash" on my spinning artificial rod, and it costs around 150 for a replacement!

Also, the controls and movement are weird, you cannot walk while reeling, moving the rod to the sides while fishing to counter is kinda delayed.

Overall, there are other better (but not so great) games, like Fishing Planet, that still are better than this. You might prefer this one if you dedicate more, but I personally don't think it is worth it, specially since news hadn't shown up for more than a year. And this was the short review!
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