19 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 35.7 tuntia (27.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 14.8.2014 klo 17.37

Too fresh to be released.

If you read the game discussion topics, you will notice that most players aren't staying in the game for more than 10 days, and because of that the game has gone through changes. Still, the game should have waited more for public release.

I've experienced sudden fps decrease with a good system, the matchmaking system takes TOO long to find a game, which has only one mode, the troops balancing still needs a lot of work. Wolfen units(one of the 3 factions available) are either too OP or too nerfed. They are "heavier" than other units which can have a similar, if not better potential, but are "lighter" when considering troop management.

The balancing is still not good, the game has going through a lot of transformations, so I can't really say what the real face of the game is. The game still has potential to be good, but you should wait a lot more time to try this game out. Or if you do decide to play the game now, don't feel disappointed. Specially if you play with the Wolfen.
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