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1 VAC ban on record | Info
1557 day(s) since last ban
What I've learned from smurfing and/or playing in the actual ranks in CS:
Bad mechanics, bad aim, a lot of confusion. Will sometimes miss even if you are literally not moving. Rare blinks of right ideas in the general sense. Poor execution. Lots of memes.

Gold nova:
Thinking when taking aim duels, counter strafing takes effort. Will kill you if you are standing still like a bot. Some team coordination can be seen, but poor execution. Easy AWP shots missed are often. Easy sprays failed. POOR INFO - Lots of tunnel vision. Will call you a hacker if you can use the deagle.

Master Guardians + LE :
Sloppy mechanics and aim, but will punish most major mistakes in positioning, especially with the AWP. Team coordination differs greatly from team to team ranging from trying to refrag and failing, to reasonably timed refrags. Premades will flash for each others, but generally not randoms. Some basic smoke meta develops on both CT and T side. Some failed sprays and AWP shots, but not often. Some communication on kills/deaths. Less tunnel vision.

LEM, Supreme and GE:
Resonable mechanics and aim, especially in GE. You WILL be punished for positioning mistakes, not just with the AWP but most weapons. Chance to see a player fail more than 10 bullets in a spray becomes rare. CT side smokes are a given. Basic (T side) full-site smoke executes are seen with randoms. Advanced site takes with premades. People will generally refrag quickly and take map control in groups. Dry peeking into AWPs becomes hard. Info pushes/flanks can be spotted. Extremely rare tunnel vision. General sense of map awareness develops.

Level 7~9 faceit EU: (1550~2000 elo)
Lots of practice time needed to reach this level. Accurate mechanics and aim, even with deagle. General CS default meta knowledge on almost every player, unless brain-dead with god aim. Time to kill becomes very low. Advanced teamplay forming between randoms. 5 stacks team practices with advanced smoke setups but mediocre execution and/or aim, seen in this elo. Can fully understand general PRO CS meta, but problems in applying some aspects in pugs because of lack of skill and/or TILT. LOTS OF TILT. Dry peeking into AWPs is extremely hard even for pro players. Dry peeking into rifles still EASY for pros though. Posible to reach with crisp mechanics and general gamesense, but no need for deeper understanding of meta. Utility usage becomes paramount on CT side. On T side, players have a general understanding on countering CT side AWPS with utility and trades.

Level 10 faceit EU PREMIUM(3 stack max): (2001-2500 elo)
Can smurf in global. Ferarri peeked insta 1 tapped by deagle becomes normal. Advanced gamesense needed. Fast refrags become normal. Less team chaos even without calls. Everyone has a good idea of what a T side default is for all maps and will also manage economy without a second thought. Randoms call for flashes and pop flash each other. Randoms help each other make plays without verbal communication (based on visual info). Post plant positions are rarely chaotic. Most players can adapt playstyle to match enemy mid game.

Level 10 faceit EU PREMIUM(3 stack max): (2501-3100 elo)
Dedicated CS players. Aim becomes crisp, mechanics are well practiced. A lot of players can semi-IGL and have ideas on T side attack execution. Refrags, mechanics, economy, defaults come without thinking. Focus is on taking proper aim duels and winning them, forcing map control and countering enemy CT side setups.

Level 10 faceit EU PREM... 3300+ ELO
Extremely practiced players. Nearing semi-pro skill level in mechanics. Can destroy lower elo lobbys with pure mechanics.
qqq 5 Dec, 2020 @ 5:04am 
+rep got me into drinking
zanuxz 2 Dec, 2020 @ 7:46am 
+rep ^^
₆₆₆ 30 Nov, 2020 @ 2:51pm 
Tomee :) 30 Nov, 2020 @ 1:59pm 
slim shadt 30 Nov, 2020 @ 9:02am 
hold00000 30 Nov, 2020 @ 12:25am 
+rep, good gamerman :B1: