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Bicki 26 Eki 2023 @ 11:52 
boomer that doesn't understand how computer games work
NEOgeek 10 Tem 2023 @ 18:34 
more affordable healthcare; yes but the medical industry is regulated by its own people. the Us subsidizes the medical industry and the only ones who save money are the big boys, not the people. Look at covid and the vaxx, very questionable at best.

abortion; I support 100% just because we do not need people. Though I take it you do not know what's going on with sperm counts? check this:

Iraq; Ukraine...
NEOgeek 10 Tem 2023 @ 18:34 
Immigration: there are billions that want to live here there's no room. Look into zoning and land ownership. Look into all that's not even sustainable now with what we have. You should instead support them in fixing their way of life and the problems in their own system rather than wasting away what we have left here. you should look at wealth indexes and the movement of wealth.

Afghanistan, like everything else the ruling class sells you is propaganda meant to move an agenda that really only benefits them. Everyone will say something about Ukraine. Name the last war you supported?

Better gun laws I hear this a lot what do you mean specifically? It's clearly not a gun control thing it's a society thing. We never had these issues before so it's clearly something new making more rules never fixes anything, it just gives control to certain people. Why do people all of a sudden do these things? Nearly every school had rifle class. Today there are still thousands that do.
Reaptor 10 Tem 2023 @ 17:31 
Also, on the Texas fema topic. It's not that they are not entitled to it, it's the fact that they boast about wanting to be separate from the US and how much they don't need us, but as soon as they are in trouble they momentarily drop all that to beg for assistance. Much like a child saying he doesn't need any help pouring his drink, then proceeds to wipe tf out and spill everything and throw a tantrum.
Reaptor 10 Tem 2023 @ 17:31 
At least we agree on the fact that all leaders suck.

You misunderstand me in thinking I only care about Ukraine. I support immigration too, because those people are just trying to get away from their terrible lives down there. We have plenty of jobs people don't want to do here that immigrants would be more than willing to do for life.
And don't even get me started on the mess that is Afghanistan.

There's a lot that could change here too. Better gun laws, more affordable healthcare, better funding for schools, and politicians could stop worrying about who we ♥♥♥♥ or marry, and can drop the whole charade in acting like they even give af about abortion.

I also never said it was right for the US to do the bs they have done to other countries. For example, Iraq. We had no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ business being there and the whole reason we were there in the first place was because of a lie.
NEOgeek 9 Tem 2023 @ 23:01 
I bend no knee to anyone. you should not either. These people are not here for you. You are stuck very deep in the narrative of the establishment. It never brought us anything good and now is the same. Have you forgotten all our other wars? all our crimes? you know we blew that gas line? who's cleaning that?