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2 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
a lot of internet tough guys and 'anti-sjw' types really hated this game for a long time and that's a good enough reason to play it

its really good, though i own the GOG version and not the steam version so im not sure why its letting me review it here
Posted 18 July, 2021. Last edited 18 July, 2021.
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14.6 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
it's katamari damacy. what can i even say?
Posted 30 November, 2019.
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12.1 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
This is an example of a Kickstarter funded video game done RIGHT, and it actually pains me to know that I can't get any more of this.
Wandersong is a wander-ful (cue trombone noise) hybrid platforming game, featuring elements of rhythm games and puzzle games seamlessly in it's story. The characters are entertaining, the art style is pretty, and though the game may be hindered from bugs and perfomance issues at times, the story is well worth pushing through to the very end.
I'd say this game is on par with other popular indie titles like Cave Story and Undertale, though it desparately lacks the attention that it should have.
It took me 10-11 hours to get through this game once, and the asking price was $17 (on sale). Normally, the game is $20. Either one is a great value for your money.
Don't be under the impression that your experience will be flawless--there are small bugs and issues with characters spasming around when caught in uncomfortable positions, jumps not being possible without VSYNC (at least, in my experience, this happened numerous times), people on the forums reporting bugs and being softlocked, etc. However, the developers have shown a clear dedication to patching issues whenever alerted to them, and any issue with the game I encountered paled in comparison to the Earthbound-esque experience I had playing this game.
Is it worth your money? Hell yes. Tell your friends.
Posted 27 November, 2018. Last edited 27 November, 2018.
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74 people found this review helpful
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281.8 hrs on record (123.2 hrs at review time)
Where can I even begin?

Initially I bought this game in order to see what the noise was surrounding how great it supposedly was, hearing about it from my brother and friends alike. I played through the intro in Goodsprings, got to Primm, and was immediately bored out of my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mind. I shot one too many geckos, and the game had lost me. I hung it up for a while and stopped playing.

Recently, however, I was reminded of it's existance through some friends on Discord, and decided to give it another shot. Just sitting through the intro video was enough to get me pumping again, and so I set off into the wastes to explore all the game had to offer.

My first playthrough was pretty barren, I don't remember if I had the DLCs at that point but I certainly hadn't touched them. I adventured through the game as an independent party trying to do right and stumbling my way through most encounters in the process, ending on a House victory that had me satisfied. But that wasn't enough, no. This behemoth of a game is so great that I had to go in to have a second try-- to double dip in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. My second run through the game was as fleshed out as it could get while siding with the NCR, including all of the companion quests, most side quests (I can't think of any I've missed, if they even exist), all of the DLC stories, the faction quests, and the main storyline itself. Folks, I cannot reccomend a game any more than I want you to play this one.

The people at Obsidian really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ outdid themselves, lemme tell ya. Hilarious writing, great characters, abundant choices that actually have weight on the outcome of the entire Mojave Wasteland, mass creativity in not only the weaponry and armor that can be acquired but also the locations you can find, and a hell of a gigantic story under the surface of it all through terminals and dialogue options. The development team really put their backbones into working on this game and it shows, not only is it a great game to stand alone by itself, but it integrates so well into the Fallout lore and the stories of Fallout 1 and 2 that you'd imagine THIS was supposed to be the original Fallout 3 instead of Van Buren or the official Bethesda one.

This game is all about choices. No ending is a perfect one, and there are a lot of grey areas with much wiggle room for you to decide the fate of the inhabitants of the wastes, whether it be good or bad, and the game turns you loose to freely allow you to do what you see fit with no strings attached. If you're a fan of RPG games or someone looking to taste the Fallout franchise for the first time (and you're willing to deal with a few bugs along the way), this is the game for you. You may have to put up with 15,000 repeats of Johnny ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Guitar on Radio New Vegas, but it pales in comparison to the mileage you get out of playing this.

My reccomendations:

- Max out Speech as soon as possible for more interesting outcomes for quests, if not just to smooth talk your way out of certain situations (including a rather important one near the end of the game!)
- Be prepared to die a lot, and that means quicksaving by hitting F4 or by manually saving far more often than the autosave feature
- Exhaust all the dialogue you can if possible, hack any terminal you can find to get all of the bits of story you can from each outpost, vault, and computer in the wastes
- MODS MODS MODS MODS. There are mods that improve the quality of the game through bug fixes, there are mods that improve it visually, there are mods for entire new quests and factions-- hell, there are mods to cheat altogether. Use mods if possible, you have an advantage over console versions of the game and I highly reccomend you use it. Personally, I went with some bug-fixes and visual improvements.
- Do more than one playthrough! My first run was bare-bones and I left with a bad taste in my mouth. As I progressed through the second time, I exhausted everything I could think of and went for the best ending possible, which I achieved after a long while of playing.
- Don't be afraid to venture off and do your own thing, the main quest is too short if that's all you're set on doing! Side quests add meat to this game, and DLCs add extra beef if that's what you're into. (Old World Blues is hilarious and geeky, Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts are lore-heavy, Dead Money is eerie and serious but ultimately detached from most of the game save a few characters)

If you want the prime Fallout experience with all of the modern mechanics and gameplay, choose this game. Sure, it may not be as visually pleasing as Fallout 4 and it (possibly) may not be as much of a nostalgia bomb for you as Fallout 3 was, but I think this is the prime candidate for what the series should be all about.
Posted 19 June, 2018.
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91 people found this review helpful
11 people found this review funny
16.0 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
As a game from my childhood, I may or may not hold some bias in favor of this game.
However, this will not be evident in my review. Let's answer some questions.

"What is this game?"

Rollercoaster Tycoon is a franchise where the player becomes an amusement park owner with the power to create tracks, customize everything from the terrain and decor to the ride names and colors, and even charging people to use the BATHROOM. Great idea. Think the sims, but without families and more workers and rides.

"Any ACTUAL skills I can get from this game?"

Yes. Balancing out a budget is seen by the money amount you are given in loans. These allow you to buy rides, stands, construct in general, advertise, et cetera. These loans CAN be paid off so you can run the park and not have your money taken away every month for loans. Also, there is keeping things cleaned/organized. The park gets awards based on how you run it, ranging from "Safest Park in The Country" to "Worst Looking Park". In order to keep good PR, you want to hire some handymen who sweep up all the vomit and trash people leave lying around.

"Anything popular come out of this game?"


"Why not just RCT3?"

RCT3 is just, eh. It's hard to explain. RCT3 is not a bad game at all, trust me, I own that one as well and its fantastic. But, it will never have the same bouncy feel the early ones do. RCT3 is more calming and orderly. RCT 1 and 2 are bouncy, chaotic, and generally more enjoyable. In the earlier games, you get more of a RCT feel and less of a Sims. The gui in RCT3 even looks like the Sims. Still tho, try both and see which is your cup of tea.


get out

"Any bugs?"

The game is being updated constantly due to being on steam, mainly in language support from what I've seen, but that doesn't mean its lost some if its old bugs. Sometimes, mechanics pay no attention to rides and they just get fixed on their own by some means. Guests still just wander off park when you delete the path they're on instead of finding another path. RCT was made in 1999, so its not really a suprise when these things happen. You just have to push them in the right direction and it's all figured out (by that I mean pick them up and throw them at the ride's enterance until they get it RIGHT).

"Is the music good?"

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, yes.

You can set music differently for each ride, so if you don't appreciate one song, just pick another!


Basically, get this game. You will not regret it.
Posted 16 October, 2014. Last edited 18 October, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
180.2 hrs on record (179.0 hrs at review time)
better than cs:go imo, super nostalgic for me personally; you probably already own this

no skin/case stuff, no competitive/casual divide
community servers with surf, gungame, and zombie escape maps are still kicking (they could certainly use more people though)
less bots than tf2
also buying it gives you all the stuff to play around with in gmod which is a plus

just pure, distilled counter-strike
Posted 12 July, 2012. Last edited 14 January, 2022.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries