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thefamilyebberts 17 FEB a las 9:28 p. m. 
pickles and plastic brother
SomeFatWhiteGuy 23 DIC 2012 a las 7:06 p. m. 
Don't know if you've already done this, but I searched "fallout vocaloid" to see if our mod showed up, and found that someone made a mod showcase video with our mod included. Although the video is from October 20 and is using a now outdated version of it, it's still pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Ns966sH2v9M#t=295s
76561198020868687 16 JUN 2010 a las 11:51 a. m. 
hey get online i wanna have a cop chase in gmod