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Upplagd: 6 nov, 2021 @ 4:53
Uppdaterad: 6 nov, 2021 @ 4:57

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Turnip is a contemporary game that will age like milk. It only interests people who are overly attached to the current internet humor. This will no doubt not last longer than 5 years. 
But there is a worthwhile discussion to be had.
The Hook
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a “basic game” in the best way possible. It has been influenced by past puzzle adventure titles, which were very successful. Especially A Link to The Past and maybe a little of Portal blend into a good mix. Albeit, Turnip Boy comes a little short in terms of quality and quantity.
So if the gameplay is not the reason to play Turnip Boy what makes and breaks this title.
Look at the title
It is the jokes and presentation that add up to the charm. In a bygone era, flash games were the hot ♥♥♥♥ for a youth that did not want to spend money on games. And these games were made by people in a relatively short time. Flash games embraced (nowadays cringe) humor as a main selling point. Because humor does not cost money. And references are even cheaper as they do not need much brainpower to produce.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is the modern version of this.
Is that a merit?
To be honest: Yes, it is. Some players will connect with the references turnip boy is making. And having a decent laugh nowadays is difficult for some people. A personal tangent:
I also like to make ♥♥♥♥♥♥ jokes about different subjects. While they are lacking, some people can forget their daily worries and have a dumb smile.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is the master of this.

The Problem(s)
It does not leave much of an impression. Everything in this game gets presented really well, but it does feel like it does not support much or something good. Like somebody made the best slideshow about the interests of a subreddit. It may be funny, yet it probably only contains inside jokes which can not be explained. This is passable for a presentation if you know your audience. But for a game, it means that it will alienate a big audience.
Which is fine. Not every game should be made for anybody.
But this is the defining feature. It defines what makes Turnip Boy good. If this was taken away, only an empty shell of half-decent content would remain. And of course, this is unfair to say as many games have specific selling points. But Turnip Boy relies way too much on this single trait. 
While it is the reason for the success it had, the humor will age like milk.
And this makes it hard to recommend playing Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. Just watching the highlights is good enough. I do not feel enriched after playing the game itself. 
Now keep in mind that Turnip Boy only lasts 3 hours and asks for 15 dollars (or 12,5 euros). I can go to a cinema and watch a great movie for that price. Turnip Boy just wants to punch too heavy for its price point.

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is not bad, far from it. But it is a contemporary game that will become an artifact of an era but will lose its audience over time. The longer the review stays up, the closer Turnip Boy will come to be an intangible experience for a general audience. 
But if you are that specific internet audience: It can be worth picking up.

Ursprungligen skrivet av author:
As of now, meme curators dominate Steam. So consider following me for reviews that actually cost me some time (and effort) to create. I don't think this will change much, but the majority of my readers are not followers. I am still going to pump my heart into these reviews.
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