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1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 328.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (34.2 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2021. nov. 19., 4:54
Frissítve: 2022. jún. 25., 8:40

8 Months later review:
The game has gotten small improvement but it is nothing major or enough to bring back people to the game.
  • XP system is still a joke. It's almost as if the XP you can gain is capped at around 28K no matter how good I've played that is the most I seem to be able to get
  • Simple battlefield features are still missing. It makes no sense you use the existing pinging system because your team wont even notice it
  • There is still no lobby wide communication system

    Overall there is a lot of features missing, features that should have definitely been in the game no matter what since they have been in previous battlefield games. There is alot that needs to be done for the game to be considered "Gold" meaning it is actually ready for release but the company just don't seem to care. At the rate that they are doing changes it shows that this game is now a side project for the company.With this much features missing they should be pushing out updates atleast twice a month. The fact that we get an update like every 2-3 months means that they have or had absolutely nothing in the backlog waiting for a production push and that they are not actively working on anything.

    At the time of writing this review I have 34.2 hours in the game but im not playing the game because I'm enjoying it im playing the game because I paid $89.99 for the game and it's too late to refund so I have no other choice but to play the game.

    This game was not ready for launch. It's buggy, laggy, poorly optimized and missing ALOT and when I say alot I mean alot of basic features that should be in a battlefield game. The maps are too large even with 128 players, you will spend half of the game running from one spot to the other just to get shot or obliterated by a vehicle and have to restart the journey all over again rinse and repeat.

    The vehicles are too strong!!! the rocket launchers are too weak!!! Speaclist are pointless! there is rarely any support characters to revive you, heal you or give ammo and no notification of medics near you when you are down. The characters are ssosooo annoying with their voice lines, so cringy they just sound so so i cant even find a proper word to use to describe them.

    On Thursday November 18th they released a patch the patch fixed NOTHING!!! LITERALLY NOTHING 6GB OF NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUH!!! LIKE WTF!!! Then they released a tweet saying that we should expect 2 UPDATES WITHIN 30 DAYS!! DO you have any idea how disheartening that is to hear when the game is in such a poor state? We have to wait 30 days to see if anything improve with a huge chance that alot of the issues wont be fix. In my opinion there are things that need fixing that should take top priority instead we have to wait 30 days to see if they'll get fix.

    I really dont know how it is that Dice went from bf3 to bf V to here.. this is a huge step backwards almost as if this is the first battlefield they have ever develop.
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